Want to study my late Father's works? Beginners Tarot OR Neophyte Magic? Click here>Geof Gray Cobbs 50 Year Old Manuals
Link> DONATIONS I have chosen to add a link for donations in case you feel I deserve a tip for all the work I put into the newsletter. Or the republishing of my late Father's work OR for any other reason :) No pressure at all. I do send a white light blessing to anyone who decides to offer a donation :) Plus I have added a Full Moon action where your name is added to my spell for removing negative energy. Link>DONATIONS​
AND!! 😊 I am now down to my last full month of rest and relaxation and do as I bludy well please LOL!!
February and March have been and continue to be my slowest months. Many shows used to be in March but for some reason many managers of these shows moved to April where they have invariably failed. As a vendor it is obvious why attendance drops in April as the gardening season opens and people want to be outside. Now in March as most of Alberta is still entrenched in winter many want to get out and so they choose indoor venues. It is fine by me; I live by what is shown to continue with 😊 So April now becomes my first shows. All announced next month.
I speak about this A LOT LOL: Your personal seasons. [derived from your birth date so it is PERSONAL] But lo and behold my year is sending me balance as quickly as I can say “thank you Universe” 😊 For my new readers I am in my Personal Six Year [season] and this tells me the Universe will send what needs to be balanced my way. Then you recognize it, fix it, and ask for the next balance!! And sometimes I did not realize that it needs to be balanced.
First thing to happen this month? Telus and my bills LOL. February's bill arrives $22 higher than last month. I seek the reason why within the typed-out pages and YES!! There it is. My internet is on a 2-year contract and the special deduction was only applied for one year and that expired. Onto Telus I go and get a ‘live’ agent. Without going into full detail as that would take you hours to read, just know that after looking at my bill she offered me AMAZING deals even though my contracts were still a year away for expiration. The internet was revised and my $22 replaced [as $25]. Then she offered me crazy deals that would take 50% off my TV and internet. I said to her “here is what I can do without “Crave and another 2 areas I do not watch”. The I specifically told her DO NOT delete Netflix nor my Amazon Prime as it is cheaper to have Prime through Telus. Fine she says. So, I agree to my contract and the last words I say are “are you sure my prime will not get cancelled NOR my Netflix?” Assuring me ‘no’ I say my last “yes I agree”’ verbally to this contract that now saves me $70 a month.
Going to my email I have 3 LOL. Yup, Netflix is cancelled and Prime is cancelled so they say. And my contract states I have Crave!!! Oh Telus!! BUT!! It is late and when I call back, I get someone from out of the country who cannot help me but says they have emailed this person and asked that she call me tomorrow. No biggie as the Netflix email said it would bill to a credit card that I knew expired. Wake up to Netflix notifying me of this LOL. Call them and explain and then go and work out and then since I have not had a call back, I call Telus. AND!!!! I get a male who I shall call ‘sweet sweet Will”. 😊 Why? Because this man bent over backwards to help. I got Crave switched out for Netflix immediately and then I asked him to wait while I walked though the steps of connecting it with password etc. and then he said that he could not do anything about Prime but if I wanted to just take the $10 a month he could activate that but he suggested I go to Loyalty and although he could not guarantee I would get it for free, perhaps that would happen as I had been told it would be included. I said, “heck Will, if it saves me $120 a year I’ll go to loyalty”. Then complimented me on my tech skills LOL. Seems like Telus knows my age. He said very politely that most people who called at my age had no clue how to activate and set up stuff. 😊 Then we discovered we both had elderly cats and what do folks do when they have cats?? Well for those who do not have cats we talk about them like folks talk about their kids LOL.
Onto Loyalty I went as sweet sweet Will connected me, and within two minutes another nice young lad had added Prime FOR FREE as he said I had been promised it and I quickly connected it while he waited. Two emails in my box saying ‘thank you for your purchase through Telus’. All is working now, and I have massive savings here. BUT!!! The balance in my bills did not stop there. My 2-year contract on my mobile was up this month. I had been on ‘just switch it out to a new phone’ deal. Well, the back of my phone cracked somewhere along that timeline and under the impression I still owed $600 and did not want to pay that amount this month I stopped at Telus to switch it out. BUT!! They do not just switch out a cracked phone. Called them when I got home and the agent said “yes, that is correct, no switch out if the phone is damaged”. OK I said, no biggie I’ll just pay it out. Bill arrives and it is $50 LESS and no $600 on it!! Thank You Universe for the cracked phone as I do not need to switch it out right now.
BUT!! It did not end there. The last offer was a landline and funnily enough with all these satellites failing and cell phones going down I had been thinking about installing one lately. WELL! For a mere $13 a month I could have a land line and it would knock another $20 off the bill by accepting. That would mean that I saved another $7 by taking this deal. I now have a landline BUT have to call Telus as it is not working. I’ll update you later on this 😊 UPDATE: I have a tech coming to my home on March 6th to fix this.
THEN!! For those of you who do not use Constant Contact you pay by how many emails you have and send out to. But every time you hit a higher number of emails your bill goes up. As it is billed in US dollars it really hits the pocketbook. AND!! February brought my yearly renewal and a SUPER-DUPER higher bill. So, I went into my account and created a section where I can see how many people have NOT opened my emails and set it for 6 months. I had 687 people who had not opened my emails in 6 months, and they were all deleted to bring my bill back to the threshold of what I paid previously. BUT!! That was still high and so for now I have put it on a monthly payment till either the US$ drops OR Constant Contact offers a deal for a yearly bill 😊 If by any chance you are reading this and say ‘oh I am on your mailing list but once I see the email I just go to your website or if you read it directly from Facebook then please go to my website and sign back up your email 😊 But normally these emails are ones people give me at shows because they cannot muster up the courage to say “no thank you” when asked if they would like to be on my monthly newsletter list OR they think I may give them a better read if they produce an email 😊 Whether you part with an email or not you get the same service 😊
Talk about lowering my bills as balance. AND!! More to come on that as I just cancelled my yoga membership. Upon taking my 6 month in September, they assured me that the fee would remain the same after the contract was up and I told them “Fine, keep my credit card on file then”. LO and behold this month’s bill was $10 higher and when asked about it I was told “oh in September we had no idea the increase would go up in February”. HUH?? Then you should not promise people no increases if they continue after the contract is up. That is the service I got from Prana Yoga on 199th street in Edmonton. And they will not agree to what they promised!!! So, I cancelled it saving me yet another $109 a month. I will find yin yoga online I am sure. Or I know enough to be able to do this on my own 😊
NOW!!! The biggest balance of all. Most of you know about my son who lives near me, has dinner once a month outside of our homes with me and is always here for Mothers Day, birthday, Easter, Xmas etc. But what many do not know is unless you know me a LONG time, I have another son who is married and lives in Serbia. He too is funnily enough in the balance year [6, all about home, family and life balancing itself]. Without going into massive years of ups and downs, know that I have not had a lot of contact with this son. Although my other son keeps me updated with what he does 😊 My granddaughter in Vancouver calls me and says, “Paul is trying to contact you and wants to know what is best to use”. I say “OK, I have a phone, and email”. I prefer phone. The phone rings about 5 minutes later and shows ‘Serbia’. There on the other end of the line is Paul. We talk about stuff for about an hour and arrange to keep in contact. He works on the rigs in Brazil and says we will have a nice Zoom call when he returns home. AND! As he promised, on the 24th, his beautiful wife, two more granddaughters that I now have met and him sat, and we chatted for two hours. All was worked out and family areas are now BALANCED!! BUT note that Paul is in the Personal Six Year that states balance your life so that the lessons can be behind you 😊 See how it works when you BELIEVE?? [I wrote about that last month in my newsletter]
I now look forward to what March will bring in the form of “HEY VcToria this needs to be attended to”.
And so, February went. Slow in reads as in 2 phone reads, 3 Zoom reads, 6 in person reads and 1 Ritual order plus quite few orders from my store area for books and things I created to go along with my late fathers republished works. But for me that is what I call standing still SLOW!!! AND!! Not one person took my Special Valentines Day Couples Read. I suppose LOL that it maybe because most who are on my email list have had a reading with me at some point in time, OR just like February is the bill paying month for most people that could be. I know better than to offer it again 😊
However, I am not one to waste time and funnily enough what I wanted to do last year in the kitchen I did this year. I created homemade breads, and best of all vegan cheeses: truffle brie that sadly did not freeze as well as I had hoped, and tastes better eaten when first made. I made a lovely firm cheddar that sits in my fridge now and tried a blue cheese that just will not mold. [turning blue] It is a two-month job that entails it fermenting for that time. But it should have started to mold on the 7th day and did not. I have moved it from the fridge to the counter in hope it will ferment better. More on that next month.
UPDATE on blue cheese: it is molding fast and furiously now that it is on the counter and tastes PHENOMENAL😊
I bought all the supplies for vegan ‘meats’ and tried my hand at that. For the firm ones that need to be steamed they came out well, but not for the ones that I simmered. Funnily enough my taste buds have changed so much that I really prefer my dried beans, rice and all the yummy things made with those ingredients. However, I will finish up the stuff I bought, and as ‘practice makes perfect’ is one of my mottos who knows maybe I will find the trick to the ‘meats’ that look like the company who sells ribs, steaks and roasts called Juicy Marbles. AND!! Lastly, I made home made butter that I now will continue to make instead of buying the vegan ones that have doubled in cost and I used the nuts I bought to make milks. That I intend to keep doing as both the butter and milks are GREAT, plus my home-made bread and cookies from the milk pulp. 😊
PROUD to say, that as I noted last month, I started working out in my home gym on the 15th of January and as today being the 26th of February, I have only skipped ONE day of working out. I appear to have taken on a schedule LOL. I get up, do my office work, green juice, one coffee and then head to work out. Then I cook, do some housework, sometimes work on my website, and then settle down to TV etc. etc. if I have no reads.
I also seem to have gotten back into Candy Crush [ level 5500] as I had put that aside for awhile while I took up reading. Reading will be picked back up with the shows 😊 Seems the yoga on Friday, as it is not live streamed, is attended to in person and I have not missed an in-person Friday yoga. Saturday and Sunday the Yin yoga is live streamed, so my nicely designed yoga studio downstairs is warmed up and I have not missed any classes except one where my son Paul and his lovely wife Jasmina zoomed in at this time. Serbia is ahead of us by 7 hours or more, so it was around 11pm their time when we were done.
HOWEVER, LOL even with all this working out I have only lost TWO pounds which is very annoying. However, I do enjoy cooking and eating so perhaps that is why. But the body also tightens up a lot, not like when you are 18 or 20 or 30 or even 40 but it does lift and tighten. So, I will accept that fact that working out gives me TONS of energy and lifts the skin a bit LOL!! I look OK and by many people comments ‘just fine’ 😊 [for those who do not know I am turning 71 this April]
I LOVE resting indoors during the winter months of my sabbatical and to show you how much I do not go out, the last time I filled up with gas was December 15th, 2023, LOL. But I did venture out with my grandson as I do every month. Again, heading to Earls on the 21st at 1pm. Once there I had the tofu wraps and the plant-based mushroom and cheese pizza 😊 The bill was the same as last month LOL. Thank goodness I cook a lot as eating out would put me in debt LOL. [ a few drinks where within that bill]
A friend came over on the 14th to return some teacups and I invited her for supper. Not realizing when she texted me that it was Valentines Day LOL. Anyway, I made shepherds pie, mushroom soup and for dessert the panna cotta. Then we talked about the popularity of ‘sound baths’ these days. If you do not know what this is it consists of crystal bowls, drumming and sometimes singing depending on who organizes then. We decided to go to one. I knew one was coming up at my yoga place BUT!! sadly it got cancelled and we signed up for the one on March 9th coming up, PLUS the one at the Westin downtown on March 17th so I will have two to compare and talk about next month.
Yes, I did venture out for groceries and bought mandarins, onions, sesame oil, natural peanut butter, apples, avocados, nutritional yeast, Brussel sprouts, no beef bouillon, carrot sticks, cauliflower, tons of celery, [for my green juice] tin of young jackfruit, mushrooms, vegetable oil, morel dried mushrooms, ONE vegan butter, green onions, gravy mix, tons more mushrooms [cremini, portabellas] 8 lbs of lemons [for green juice] 3 silk creamers, liquid smoke, turnip, fresh mint, freezer bags, tomatoes, 11 cucumbers [for my green juice] extra firm tofu, potatoes and lastly mango vegan yogurt. Then I headed to Bulk Barn and got some hard wheat kernels as I needed to make rejuvelac for my cheeses plus raisins and cranberries for my cookies that I make with the pulp from the nut milks 😊 I also needed red wine to cook with and while there I grabbed a treat for myself with a bottle of Moscato. Last month I had ordered 5lb of cashews, 2lbs of almonds and 1lb of hazelnuts so the cheeses could be made. Since I only paid the for the nuts this month, I kept that into the grocery bill for February 😊 And lastly I ordered some cheddar culture on line from Cheese Maker so that my cheeses could be created. Total food cost [with wine] was $474.12. Hopefully March is not that high 😊
I also ventured out for my lotteries and the one-time trip to the natural pet store for China and her food. The costs for her are below in the Cat Cost column 😊
And lastly, I headed to Home Depot for my Buddha. At Christmas I had asked for this great Buddha statue I fell in love with at Home Depot and received a gift certificate :) Finally I felt like shopping a wee bit and headed over there. The statue was still there and along with that I bought all my vegetable seeds that Home Depot seems to have gotten in as an early stock. PLUS :) I bought myself another plant that I still have to transplant and decide where it will live.
And TV and Netflix?? Well yes, a lot of rest in that area and besides my regular shows on TV on Netflix I watched: Toy Boy Season One and Two over the first 7 days of February. The ending really pissed me off and I wonder if another season will arrive. But all in all, I loved the show. Then I watched Triptych. Did not make notes on it and cannot recall if I liked it LOL. Then still having Crave [but seriously never finding anything there worthwhile] I watched Furious 7 and then the last movie made with Furious 7. Pretty sure I had watched them all before, but I enjoy one of the actors immensely. Jason Statham. I find incredible sexy and manly. LOL LOL 😊
Watched the Super Bowl and its incredible nail-biting finish in overtime 😊 Then back to Netflix with Yakamoz 2035 which does have translation on the bottom. So, a foreign film. Took me a few days to watch it as I had other things to do BUT AGAIN the ending was massively disappointing.
Then I watched the movie The Player particularly because Tom Ellis [who played Lucifer] was in it but heck was a lousy movie. I would give it 5/10. Then onto MC2 that took me four nights to finish. I usually watch about 3 episodes of anything I am watching and, on this series, AGAIN the end pissed me off. Then I watched Clickbait and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed that series. And as the month closes, I watched Little Nicholas [The Scoundrel] a true story in 3 episodes and would I have watched it if it was longer? NO!! But I did watch it and seriously you can see how crooked the government is. It was a Spanish film and little Nicholas is now in the Supreme Court with his charges. Watch it, you may find it fascinating. Also has English at the bottom so read quickly 😊 I now have started watching The Marked heart and since there are two Series and over 20 episodes it will take about two weeks or more to watch. I will give my opinion next month 😊
And that wraps up my month as today [27th] I will start to copy, edit, paste, and upload the newsletter.
Enjoy March as it sets the energy for spring to arrive. Take care of what you deem important to yourself and then life will take care of itself. Meditation is the key to balance. 😊 It may take some longer to allow the energy shifts to take place, but if you believe it WILL NOT change then it will NOT 😊 You can hold onto any energy you like for as long as you like. But when you wish to change that part of you it comes easily when you believe 😊 Remember you are your own creation. That is why we have freedom of thoughts. It is one area nobody can control or steal away 😊 Bring in a positive March 😊
May the HEALTHY survive.
DISCLAIMER: VcToria holds no medical certificates in any form and is not handing out any medical advice.
I already know some will not agree with my column this month but please before you make judgements listen to the recording with the link, I have supplied here> LISTEN and Understand .Then come back and read OR read and go and listen 😊
Whether you believe in numerology or astrology, both of which show your STRENGTHS and weaknesses and how to blend and use the proper energies it is totally up to you. But know this, I know it works and I have done Danielle’s Smiths chart, and she is 100% the proper leader to have for our Albertan province. [for outside of Canada readers this is where I live 😊]
Now all she is doing with her changes to kids who think they are the opposite sex is changing the age and NOT allowing top and bottom surgeries until 17 years of age. What is the big deal here? This type of change is PERMANENT, and she is protecting the child. I think the age should be 21 but that is my thought.
Second, she is not allowing any types of medication to change the body, meaning stopping the hair from growing on a young boy or a voice change. This age she put at 15.
The people who stood up and rushed down to stand with others and their placards along with GUESS WHO?? Yup Notley [who I call Nutley] who could not wait to make her presence known on camera, need to ask themselves why this is so bad? She is protecting our and your kids.
Did you listen to that link? This is who allowed sexual abuse to be a part of the medical area. No wonder Danielle took it VERY seriously and cleaned out the AHS as soon as she took office. And we now have Sarah Hoffman running for the NDP Leadership? She hired and worked with the sexual predator that the news did not cover until he was being arrested and prosecuted.
Now what really made me want to write this piece was the interview of this woman who has two male kids BOTH claiming to be girls and one is 10 and I think the other was 11. She is acting so devastated that she will not be able to give her two boys the medication to stop their hair growth and voices changing shortly. As she said [and this is the mother???] “Oh, they will be devastated if their voices change and facial hair starts to grow”. REALLY? So, you are keeping this alive in their programming instead of just letting them live?
Now following this interview that she now refers to her two boys with girl names she claimed that Ellie knew at TWO YEARS OF AGE that he was a girl!!!! Heaven forbid, if anyone has gone online and read the NUMEROUS tales about young kids and what they talk about up to the age of roughly five she would know he was a girl in his past life. There are so many stories and also TV shows where young kids have these uncanny abilities that one would realize they are being carried over from past lives. BUT!! Instead of letting this go OR better still asking the young child about their previous life no, this mother has kept the thought alive, convinced her two sons they are girls and will be allowing them to make the sex changes. Remember at this time they are 10 and 11 years of age. The MOST impressionable time.
Just like any programming in life when you are young and programmed every day and bombarded with outside beliefs you start to live it, believe etc. Look at the fake flu that so many were bombarded with that even those who had no symptoms believed they had it LOL.
On a spiritual side: I do not believe the creator OR yourself who most likely has some say in why you are born into one of two sexes makes a mistake. I believe that you may be drawn to wanting to the opposite sex and I do believe the feeling can be massively strong and overtaking your thoughts. But before moving forward maybe take a deep look into why you are here. I strongly suggest a past life regression to take a peek into previous lifetimes and maybe see that you chose to experience another sex this life? It is only a suggestion as regret has come to many in forms of many other choices over lifetimes. [IE: Tattoos, plastic surgery etc.]
On a criminal side: Now under no circumstances am I saying anyone in this category of my column will go into criminal activity, but I am just covering this very STRONG fact. Your DNA will not change no matter what pills or surgery you take on. Therefore, if a crime is committed and the DNA is analysed the police will be looking for that sex. So, if a male body has transitioned into a female body, they are not being looked at right away. Unless they get caught at the scene obviously. This also has a two-fold complication. Any criminal looking to hide can change into the opposite sex. I leave this thought here.
On a thoughtful side: If it abhors you to think that a child may be trans then I suggest that you think thoroughly about having kids at all. I am appalled that there are many who cannot talk to their parents about their feelings out of fear. Thus, health professionals talking about suicide like it is normal.
The next thought is how would you feel if you fell in love with a person who revealed later on that they had a sex change? If you are watching 90 Day Fiancé there were two episodes of people who had sex changes. One was a girl who had the complete sex change to a boy. He describes the entire surgery on the show. WOW!! And the issues that followed. And right now, we have the episode with the male who took the complete change to a girl. She did not reveal that she had been a male till much later in her relationship. He after many years of them separating and now back together again states ‘my body wants her, but my mind refuses’!!
On a thoughtful side: If your own body revolts you when you look at it, ask yourself what sex you are attracted to? And then also ask why your own body revolts you? Again, I am simply saying ‘think before you act, or are programmed into believing something that may come from past lifetimes. Maybe you have traveled this SAME life with all the lessons in only one sex and not succeeded? Maybe you then have said ‘perhaps I would succeed in the opposite sex? That might be why you feel unfamiliar in the same life, different body.??? So many questions as to why?
My grandson knows of a kid who is now suing his parents because they allowed the sex change at 15 years of age. YUP, keep in mind allowing anything under the age of 18 may, and I say may, come back to bite you.
The medication? In years to come there may be massive consequences on health areas. So much here needs to be thought about before you let your child believe in something that MAY just be a form of ‘trying to fit in’. Think about this. I find many adults forget their youth and how they followed the crowd just to be ‘in’. How many of us smoked just because everyone did it? Today it is vaping. Ask how many youth started this because everyone did it? The nose rings? How many take them off once they reach adulthood? [A lot] How many of us smoked pot when we were young because everyone did it? Dropped acid? [LSD] Etc. etc.
We change as we grow. We develop into our own beliefs. Some create stronger minds and change drastically. Others do not. They stay programmed. But my point of this column is not to judge, it is to say let your kids grow up and decide for themselves. Stop programming them to believe what you may want for yourself??
And lastly it was appalling to watch the parents to brought young [5-7 years, roughly] kids to that loud yelling and screaming protest. Their faces only took on a really scared look and total confusion. I know you were not looking at your young kids, you were too busy screaming, but the news covered it, and these poor kids were scared out of their minds. Leave your kids at home if you choose to go out and protest. Or better yet, watch the news broadcast and pay attention to your kids because this was proof, they have no idea of what is being programmed and yelled about.
Let your kids grow up with morals, manners, a belief in life, have them meditating and showing compassion NOT as they are still taking on life to be programmed that they are a mistake and all of life is a struggle.
At the age of voting [18] and drinking etc. this is a time that your child should be allowed to make these permanent choices and not have to worry about medication that may or may not show changes later on of damage to the inner body. Scars that will be on the body for a lifetime from surgery and so much more. Think about does the daughter perhaps want children later on? Maybe you want grandchildren? If you encourage the surgery from female to male, then that is out of the choices. So much to think about before you program your kids. Please people ask yourself why you are not questioning ‘why are we here in a physical body’? Why would we choose one of two sexes to live? What are the lessons of life? So many questions come up when you think about the choices, we must make to come here for such a short time and EACH of us have an individual DNA, fingerprints and most likely the energy around us. [the aura]
I only ask that you think before programming because what you program into youth remains with them until they find the strength to change later on. This is why many families do not talk.
I commend Danielle Smith for fighting for your children so that the sexual abuse that was rampant and hidden under the NDP not only came to light but is finally being protected. This is a protection not a punishment. And one last comment, when you listen to the doctors who believe in performing this surgery on the young and innocent look at the cost. Sometimes it is only about money as this is not covered by Medicare at this time. Do not forget to listen to the link 😊 > LISTEN and Understand
DISCLAIMER: VcToria holds no medical certificates in any form and is not handing out any medical advice.
DISCLAIMER: VcToria holds no medical certificates in any form and is not handing out any medical advice.
May the HEALTHY survive.
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This month raw food was needed. I bought 2 months worth at the cost of $105.23. I have 2 ½ years left of tinned food 😊
While at the health store for her I bought some different dry food. Cost was $43.03 So now, the little bugger LOL, will not eat the other dry food that I still have tons of. And so a relatively cheap month for my one gorgeous cat 😊
The Total cost for February was $148.27.
If you are thinking of getting a pet please know that from the cute stage, they grow with a personality to the adult stage. Animals feel unconditional love from their souls. They get attached and used to their homes. If you cannot give up 12-18 years and maybe longer, do NOT get a pet. It is not a companion till you find a mate, have a child, or decide to move to an apartment that will not allow pets, it is a companion for life. They also need dental care, checkups, and GOOD food. Not this cheap, no-nutrient food that I see so many people buy. Your pets will suffer later just as you would if all you ate was junk.
Look at rescue places for loving animals. These pets will not only be grateful, it's almost like they know you saved them and love and adore you for it. Think before you add to your life. Can you give this type of commitment? If the answer is yes then enjoy looking for your new companion. Think older if you can, for some reason, older pets are harder to re-home and they are much sadder as they wait not knowing what it was they did to be removed from their homes.
![Screenshot 2020-09-24 112542.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b8e218_21c7646be5734cc38c8bddddd23c257b~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_292,h_161,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/Screenshot%202020-09-24%20112542.png)
March 2nd, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 12.47 am MST and moves into Sagittarius at 6.56 am MST.
March 4th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 8.41 am MST and moves into Capricorn at 2.15 pm MST.
March 6th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 12.35 pm MST and moves into Aquarius at 5.38 pm MST.
March 7th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 11.56 pm MST and moves into Pisces on March 8th, at 6.03 pm MST.
March 9th, 2024: Mercury moves into Aries at 9.03 pm MST.
March 10th, 2024: NEW MOON in Pisces at 3.00 am MST.
March 10th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 1.45 pm MST and moves into Aries at 6.19 pm MST.
March 11th, 2024: Venus moves into Pisces at 3.50 pm MST.
March 12th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 5.08 am MST and moves into Taurus at 6.28 pm MST.
March 14th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 4.29 pm MST and moves into Gemini at 9.16 pm MST.
March 16th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 10.43 pm MST and moves into Cancer on March 17th at 3.40 am MST.
March 19th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 12.52 pm MST and moves into Leo at 1.33 pm MST.
March 18th, 2024: Sun moves into Aries at 9.06 pm MST.
March 22nd, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 12.34 am MST and moves into Virgo at 1.42 am MST.
March 22nd, 2024: Mars moves into Pisces at 5.47 pm MST.
March 24th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 9.49 am MST and moves into Libra at 2.37 pm MST.
March 25th, 2024: FULL MOON in Libra at 1.00 am MST.
March 26th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 5.09 pm MST and moves into Scorpio on March 27th, 2024, at 3.03 am MST.
March 29th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 9.40 am MST and moves into Sagittarius at 1.52 pm MST.
March 31st, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 6.16 pm MST and moves into Capricorn at 10.05 pm MST.
NOTE: We have a New Moon in Pisces, Venus moving into Pisces, and lastly, Mars moving into Pisces this month. Depending on how balanced your emotions are you will feel a TON of sensitivity this month. It is a GREAT month for meditation and using your intuition to balance your life under the Full Moon in Libra
VcToria's Vegan Kitchen
TIP: The easiest way to cook is to put all the ingredients out on the counter and then weigh and separate them before starting to cook. Read the recipe. If spices are all going to be added at the same time, take a bowl and measure, or weigh them out and keep them in this bowl till you need to add them in. If liquids need cups etc. take jugs and make sure they are created. Chop all the veggies. Line them up and follow the recipe 😊
As I have noted before, when I described what appliances I own to easily cook, a crepe maker was mentioned. The one I own is a Cucina PRO. [cordless] This month crepes are on the menu.
These can be cooked with any gluten free flour as in chickpea flour. You may also soak red lentils or actually any other kind of dried bean. Red lentils do work best though. Or simply use all purpose flour or any other kind of flour you wish to cook with.
Why do I use a crepe maker? I like my crepes exceptionally thin, and I find the only way to attain this is to use a crepe maker. It also turns off when they are done, and no flipping is needed 😊
So, on your layout cooking table take out your egg replacer powder. You can buy this in any grocery store or any other place that sells vegan stuff and most grocery stores now stock this. [vegansupply.ca is the best in Canada although they only sell Bob Mills] Along with this you will need your plant-based milk [I now make my own with raw almonds] the flour or lentils of your choice and a bit of salt. 1 and ½ cups of your plant-based milk along with 1 and ½ cups of your choice of flour or lentils. [make sure the red lentils have soaked for about 3 hours and then blend them in the blender]. [by themselves]
How much egg replacement powder? Look on the side of the egg replacement powder box for directions to how much powder is needed for the equivalent of four eggs. If you use Ener-G replacer which is the brand I use, then you will need 6 teaspoons of the powder added to 6 tablespoons of water and mix.
STEPS: Combine the liquid powder eggs and milk in a bowl. Combine the salt or you can use herbs as well 😊 into the flour and then gradually add the liquid and blend till smooth. You can blend by hand with a whisk or even use a blender if you like. I mix by hand. Now let the mixture rest while you cook the mushrooms and onions.
In a frying pan add a couple of tablespoons of oil. I use vegetable oil. Add sliced onions and sliced mushrooms and cook till they are browned. Usually about 10 minutes on medium heat.
If you are using your crepe maker, then dip the hot plate into the liquid and cook. I use all the batter and make about 15 crepes. Put each crepe between parchment paper and freeze the ones you do not eat.
Place your crepe on a plate and add the mushroom and onions and fold the crepe over. Serve with a salad 😊
If you are using a frying pan to cook, try to make them as thin as possible. These freeze wonderfully and to heat them up just place them in a warmed oven for about TWO minutes. No longer or they will get hard. You can add any fillings. I also use them for breakfast crepes using ‘simply eggless’ patties. I also make my own vegan scrambled eggs but have not perfected them yet to the taste I would share 😊
Next Month: The BEST and EASIEST vegan cookies I make from throwing stuff into a bowl 😊 Before the April newsletter do pick up the vegan coconut condensed milk. In Save on Foods, it is in the isle that sells the natural products. You will need this for the cookies. Also, cranberries if you do not stock them.
VcToria's Spiritual Advice
Climbing the Mountain of life
As I say to many of my client’s life is a journey and I liken it to a mountain. To climb a mountain first you have to choose the one you wish to climb. Now, how much experience do you have to do this? So, most will choose an easy climb at first. Now what do you need for this climb? How long will you be gone? Then as you climb you focus in the ‘NOW’ as you need to see that each foothold will allow you to lift to the next step. And so it goes. Along the climb you may stop to eat, take pictures, and today check the phone LOL! BUT!! Eventually you reach the top where you had chosen to go and now this climb is a ‘memory’. ALL of the past is a memory.
Now life is pretty much like this EXCEPT nowadays 97% of folks cannot seem to live in the ‘now’. Thus, the foothold in life structures itself to never be present. As I also say to my clients “when you eat an apple it does not say ‘I’ll digest for you
later’ " No, it starts the digestion in the now. That is how you should program your life. Live in the ‘NOW’ but with a plan like you had to climb the mountain.
Much like school, where you start to learn and then decide how far to continue, what you enjoyed or enjoy doing etc. etc.
BUT!!!!! Somewhere along the journey of life you may find you are climbing the wrong mountain. You may find you cannot weather the storms that keep coming and, in this mountain climb you are forced to turn around and go backwards never accomplishing your goal.
That folks is the Universe speaking and saying, "choose another mountain, choose another goal, look at another path”.
I speak from experience in this. I recognized and reacted to ALL the signs that the Universe sent. Most were unwanted and yet created my actions. 😊 So, as I packed up from a city I had lived in for 32 years and said goodbye to many friends, acquaintances, and ALL that I knew and travelled with my three cats across Canada life opened a FANTASTIC journey for me. At first a smaller mountain appeared that I climbed and then successfully moved to larger mountains. In case anyone wishes to read the book I wrote that brought me to this part of my life journey it is called Then Now and Forever by VcToria Gray-Cobb. Available on my webstore OR Amazon.
But this column is not written to sell my book, it is written as a spiritual guide to where one should be by allowing themselves to drop the ‘fear’ that so many carry when change is needed. And change is needed in so many lives. I do many readings and many of my clients confide in me about things that clearly I can see they need to shift. [IE: divorce, move, create better health and so much more] I can only advise but I would say 10% listen and activate the MUCH-NEEDED shifts. However, those that do let go of fear and create a new path say ‘thank you’ to me years later. As it does take years to reach the top of the mountain and feel success. BUT 😊 while climbing the path it is important to live in the ‘now’ and immerse yourself into all that is presented in this beautiful life.
If you choose to live in the ‘now’ and then look back to your memories, you see the path that you have formed for yourself. If you live in the ‘now’ with only negativity and depression, then that is your memory. Funnily enough people with depression focus upon it like a lottery win. Years ago I did a read at one of my festivals. Apparently, it was a palm read. How do I know this? A lady sits down and chooses Tarot cards. I do the read and once done she looks at me and say “last year I had a read and the reader spotted my depression right away, you have not said anything about it” LOL!! See how she focused in on ONE thing other than anything else I said. Now, since I was the only reader at this festival and had [have] been there for years I say to her “was the reader over there” as I point and ask, “in a purple tent”? “Yes, yes”, she says. I say to her, “that was me”. Perhaps you had a palm read, not tarot??? “Yes”, she replies. So, I say to her “the palms shows depression and the LESSON to leave it behind”. I then asked her why she keeps focusing on it and the rest I cannot recall as this is what people do. They carry the negativity in the ‘now’ and therefore it is the memories.
Change the ‘now’ thoughts and life changes with you. I know as I practise what I preach LOL.
Well while typing this out my thoughts are in the ‘now’ 😊 But, as my climb into the mountain I recognized as the correct one, I left behind the stormy mountains. Those stormy memories are still there but it is like another person to me 😊
All I can say is this “choose the journey you are drawn to” you will now, if it is the correct journey find that life is VERY simple when you conquer the climb. 😊
Each day in my meditations I ask at the end ‘am I doing the right life’ and I always hear back a resounding ‘yes, you are’. I also am aware that I have travelled to the top of my mountain as I do not get any more signs to travel further and the meditation voice always says, ‘just enjoy’.
Next Month: Dreams. Why and what are they?
Order Here> Amazing Secrets of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> Secrets From Beyond The Pyramids by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> The Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals by Frater Malak [aka Geof Gray-Cobb]
Order Here> Helping Yourself with Acupineology by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> NAP: The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> The Encyclopedia of Fifty Year Old Magic by Geof Gray-Cobb Maiya Gray-Cobb and VcToria Gray-Cobb
Order Here> Then Now and Forever A Memoir by VcToria Gray-Cobb
Order here >Angel Cards designed by VcToria Gray-Cobb
I ship WORLDWIDE Except for India and Africa.
You may buy these books on Amazon or my website. You may purchase in a Kindle or hardcover or paperback on Amazon. If you do, there is no autograph on any books nor any Amulet Kits needed for The Mystic Grimoire. You will then have to purchase the Amulet kit from my web store on my website. Personally, it is quicker to order from my website and cheaper.
Having said that, on my web store, you will receive an autographed copy, plus a wee channeled message and the Amulet Kit that is needed for one of the books.
What else is For Sale? I also offer FULL Numerology charts, FULL Astrology charts, Phone Reads, Skype and Zoom Reads, and my late Father's CDs or MP3 files on Guided Meditation, Attracting Money, and Removing Negative Energy. Completed Pyramid and Crystal to apply the magic to one of the books. Amulet Kits in black and white, plus color. Buy help for your spells and rituals.
To order anything please click here Web Store for The Alternative Universe
VcToria books her appointments around your schedule. The only time she will not book is first thing in the morning. The appointments are from 1 pm to 10 PM MST. Her office is located in the West End of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Home Office Appointments: Please look at my website for prices and the package of your choice before you call. Please note I do NOT do the mini reads at home that I do at the shows around town. Or out of town.
Please go to www.alternativeuniverse.ca under the menu bar for all prices and descriptions of reads. 780-4817238 OR click here to go directly to the prices> PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS
VcToria's Information
Phone Readings: VcToria offers phone reads by appointment. She books seven days a week from 1 pm till Midnight. VcToria prefers to see her clients in person, but if you do not reside in Edmonton and are not in any of the towns she travels to, please do call for a phone reading. Click Here >Phone or Skype Psychic Readings
House Parties: VcToria offers house parties catered around your choice. She can supply as many psychics as you need for your party. Click Here > HOUSE PARTIES She also offers her services to corporate events. Click Here for Corporate Events If she is driving through your town you can also arrange a house party at that time. She will stop and do mini psychic reads for your guests. Please call to see when she is traveling and if she is passing your way.
Readings: VcToria offers five packages of readings. You may choose from a variety of Tarot Cards/Numerology/Palmistry/Mind, Body, and Soul/Astrology Charts, and the latest read The Third Eye. To view her packages please click on this link PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS
Clearings: Do you need your home or office cleared of bothersome energies? VcToria offers clearings of all homes and offices in Edmonton. If you wish to have a home or office clearing and she is passing through your town she will stop to accommodate you. VcToria uses her Fathers' voice and direction to start the clearings. She then uses her energy, crystals, and smudging to clear and heal your home. You will also have a personal clearing. For more information or to book an appointment please call her. 780-481-7238.You may also purchase the protective/energy clearance CD that VcToria has always used, on the website store. Psychic Energy Remover. Note this is VcToria’s late Fathers original work.
Personal Clearings: VcToria will open up your chakras by activating her Reiki knowledge then ask your guides to be present. She will then smudge and clear you, speaking very clearly about removing energy as she cleanses. You will leave with your chakras balanced and your aura energy vibrating. As a physical body needs a bath or shower so the outer energy needs to be cleared every so often. The duration of the Personal Cleanse is 10-15 minutes. Only available in conjunction with a reading.