Zoom or Phone Reads
$150.00 plus GST = $157.50
Zoom allows me to see you and you see me. All reads are recorded on the cloud during the read and then e-mailed to you afterwards for you to download to a computer.
Phone reads are exactly the same as Zoom however I use your voice energy to read the cards as opposed to Zoom where I can see your energy.
Both readings offer a Tarot Card and Numerology chart. If you are a first time client I highly recommend that you do not request only the Tarot. The cost does not change. If you are a repeat client you may ask for the extended Tarot or have a Numerology chart done for another person.
You may go to the website store and pay there with PayPal Zoom or Phone Read and Payment on PayPal or e-transfer to vau@alternativeuniverse.ca and set up the appointment. 780-481-7238. If you are e-transferring do not forget the GST please. Total cost is $157.50
Once the order or e-transfer is received we email back and forth and set up the appointment. If you are e-transferring the bank no longer includes the email so please email me right away.