Information on Each Package
VcToria offers five packages to choose from. If you are choosing by cost then each link is provided for your convenience to click and read the package.
Each link shows what reads are offered. If you are a repeat client and do not wish to do the Numerology you may choose any other option to add to your package.
If you are coming to me for the first time I highly recommend you do not change the Numerology to any other choice. All the packages offer Numerology.
I take Debit, Visa, M/C, Amex, Discover, and Cash. To reserve: Local: 780-481-7238 Do NOT text or email for appointments. Please call directly.
A lot of people ask if I do medium work. Talking to the other side. I do not describe myself as a medium, but at certain times in some people's readings the other side comes through. I do not prevent them and encourage them. However, I give no guarantees that your loved one will come through. I believe that sometimes the energy cannot be connected with and therefore the soul will not appear.
Please click on any link below to take you to the description, time, and exactly what you can expect.
You may add a Personal Clearing to any package for an additional $25.
Personal Clearings: VcToria will open up your chakras by activating her Reiki knowledge then ask your guides to be present. She will then smudge and clear you, speaking very clearly about removing energy as she cleanses. You will leave with your chakras balanced and your auric energy vibrating. As a physical body needs a bath or shower so the outer energy needs to be cleared every so often. The duration of a personal cleanse is 10-15 minutes. Only available in conjunction with a reading.
$150 plus GST: Tarot and Numerology Click Here for a FULL Description> Package One CALL directly to book. 780-481-7238
$175 plus GST: Tarot, Numerology, and Palmistry Click Here for a FULL Description> Package Two CALL directly to book. 780-481-7238
$200 plus GST: Tarot, Numerology, Palmistry, and Aura [Mind, Body, and Soul] Click Here for a FULL Description> Package Three CALL directly to book. 780-481-7238
$275 plus GST: Tarot, Numerology, Palmistry, Mind, Body, and Soul plus the Astrological Chart Click Here for a FULL Description> Package Four CALL directly to book. 780-481-7238
$275 plus GST: Third Eye Read: Defining your Intuition Click Here for a FULL Description> Third Eye Read CALL directly to book. 780-481-7238