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Link> DONATIONS  I have chosen to add a link for donations in case you feel I deserve a tip for all the work I put into the newsletter. Or the republishing of my late Father's work OR for any other reason :) No pressure at all. I do send a white light blessing to anyone who decides to offer a donation :) Plus I have added a Full Moon action where your name is added to my spell for removing negative energy. Link>DONATIONS​


MAY SHOWS:  NONE 😊 I will be booking FULL reads only at my home office. Prices of Reads Click here >PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS




OH, APRIL LOL. What a whirlwind month. It started back to normal with office reads. I expect, in my down time, at least one read per day. I do not book more than two nowadays unless the people coming are all coming together. Then I will take up to four clients.  And the month started off with one or two reads per day either in the form of in person or Zoom 😊BUT 😊 this is the first year my shows started in April. In the past 20 years they have all either begun in February or March. So, with them beginning in April now I start to get ready not only with the items I either need to replenish, restock, or wash I also start with my own personal appointments.


First, I texted my aesthetician and said I wanted waxing, pedicure, hair and facial done. No reply!! I texted again the next day seeing clearly that my texts had been read and still no answer. OH WELL!! I then recalled one of my clients coming here with an amazing hairstyle. I had asked her where she went, and she told me. I then looked up the salon and booked an appointment there. Of course, lol later that day my aesthetician texted back with an apology ‘she had missed the text’ or so she said. SADLY!! She was no longer doing pedicures, so I booked the facial and waxing. No, I did not cancel the hair appointment. I DESPISE having appointments cancelled on me and I certainly do not do it to other businesses. In fact, if I get a cancellation I do not rebook! Therefore, I give out into the Universe what I believe to be respectful to other businesses.

Facial and waxing done, a week later I headed for my hair appointment. A FANTASTIC job was done. A high-priced salon but well worth the money spent. All plant-based shampoos etc. Wonderful head massage. Need I go on LOL.


Lastly, I had a heck of time finding a place that does pedicures without the face diaper. But luckily Evelyn Charles in the West Edmonton Mall was not only surprised at my question, her answer was “absolutely NOT, we do not wear those things here” 😊 I booked and took my pedicure last week. AND!! To my stunning LOL surprise when I went to the front desk to pay, they said as I walked up “Happy Birthday” and my immediate thought was "how the heck did they know that, I do not think I mentioned it” as they continued with "ALL is paid from your granddaughter”!! My wonderful g’daughter who lives in Vancouver had called in and paid it. [Glad I took the FULL pedicure LOL]


A mobile lady that I had left a message for called me back later and just as I said above, I informed her I had already booked at another place. BUT!! I may try her out next month.



So, since I have now mentioned my birthday, YUP I turned 71 on April 12th. How was my day? GREAT!! My son and his wife [my daughter in law] my grandson and his girlfriend took me out for supper. I chose Earls as per usual as everyone can eat. The plant-based menu there is superb, and dinner was GREAT. Gifts? Oh yes, birthdays need gifts LOL. It means you made it through once again to the Sun powering your day. So, along with the pedicure, I got a $50 gift certificate for Home Depot, a $150 gift certificate for Canadian Tire, a telescope lens that I am hoping will enhance the lens I have now that I find is not strong enough, and a $100 gift certificate to Bubbles. [so, I can have my van cleaned inside and out] Lastly my son went to the vegan cupcake place and brought to the restaurant vegan cupcakes that we enjoyed after the meal. Simply asked the waitress, since they do not have vegan desserts, if it was OK and she said, ‘no problem, go ahead’. 😊


I used the gift certificate for Bubbles the same day as my pedicure and now have a reasonable clean van inside. Not the best job I might add, and they really try to upsell you on more packages. I already had to add $50 of my own money to the gift certificate and had to be quite firm with the guy as I turned down the $500 package [yup FIVE HUNDRED] and then his pushy ways to ‘the top areas really should be polished it is another $50 ONLY’!! I finally said VERY firmly ‘do this package for $150 as I cannot afford more’ and he shut up. The actual cleaning job? Not that impressive.


Mid month, the day after my birthday, I had a wonderful house party. It had been booked since January and off I went to an amazing group of folks and spent a lovely afternoon doing their reads and along with a VERY generous tip, the host took care of the bill for all his guests.


And then the time arrived to start getting all ready for my shows. Next came laundry and going through all my pamphlets, business cards, etc. etc. and making sure I had enough food for travel.  All done I said proudly to myself as I completed all that was needed to be able to do the two shows in April.


However, today is the 23rd and I leave on the 25th for Fort Mcmurray so I am getting ‘Chat’ done and uploading the entire newsletter as it goes out on Tuesday the 30th. I am not returning till the mid afternoon of the 29th and do not wish to have to sit on my computer and finish up work. So, I will start next month's newsletter with the last week of April and how Fort Mac went 😊


I wish to mention the solar eclipse that so many in the East enjoyed. I still programmed the energy into my physical and soul alignment for myself. I took my lounging chair outside and my oh my, the conditions would have been perfect here for the pathway to darkness. BUT!! Nevertheless, I used my eclipse glasses to view about 1/8th of the Sun that was covered and brought in the power and balance from our two main energies. [ read my spiritual column below for more on that] and then to my surprise the question asked a lot was “what do we do with our eclipse glasses”? HUH??? You keep them. Anytime you want to look directly at the Sun and embrace the power of that energy you can with eclipse glasses. The Sun shines directly into my kitchen window all winter and almost every day I use the glasses to stare at the Sun and pull the power into my physical body. In the summer I do that outside. The Sun is a small beautiful dot with the glasses. Try it. The power is awesome.


Now along with the days that ZOOMED by in time, I had to get some groceries. Off I went and bought dish detergent powder, tons of celery for my green juice, jet dry agent for the dishwasher, 20 green apples [for the green juice] some frozen corn, 2 large packs of toilet paper, 3 tubs of vegan ice cream, 10lbs of lemons, 5 silk creamers, and since the boxes of beyond burger were on special, I grabbed one. Then I had to head to Coop for veggies as the Save On Food truck had not delivered any fresh produce!!! There I bought 10 cucumbers, some green onions, 3 cauliflowers, dry mustard, and the plant-based dumplings that only Coop sells that I love.  Then yesterday I had to mail an order from my webstore at the post office so I dropped into Save On Foods again to grab Perrier water for my show in Fort Mac and along with water I grabbed cranberries, coconut condensed vegan milk and large oat flakes. Yes, I intend to make the cookies I placed last month in the vegan kitchen column 😊 Groceries came to $307.67 for the month.


I then made about three weeks worth of green juice and placed the jars in my freezer plus a few meals that I enjoyed making this month.


Now along with my busy busy reading days I also settled into Netflix at times. Not as much as the winter months gave in time but nevertheless, I finished watched New York Homicide that I had started in late April. Interesting few episodes. The I watched 3Body Problem. WOW!! I totally enjoyed it. If you have a hard time following sequences that go back and forth in time, then this Netflix is not for you. But I don’t have a hard time focusing on back-and-forth time and thoroughly enjoyed this show.  Then I watched The Gentlemen that I was VERY UNIMPRESSED with. Absolutely not for me. However, I know some people enjoyed it. For the life of me I cannot fathom why LOL. BUT 😊 each to their own is what I say when it comes to movies and shows. Next, I watched Ripley. It is in black and white and keeps you going to the next episode. I really enjoyed it. And now I am in the middle of Baby Reindeer supposingly a true story!! I am two episodes out to the end and am stunned that this is a true story. [or so the show says] Yes, I would recommend it 😊


ALL my taxes are paid. Business taxes were paid in March and this last month, April, the personal taxes were uploaded and paid. I had driven out to Tofield where my wonderful accountant of 20 years resides and signed all the papers and retrieved the business and personal filings. And of course, paid her 😊 Yup, now I have another year to not even think about them. I do however have an automatic withdrawal set up so that a weekly sum of money is taken and deposited into the savings account. All loans were repaid, and I owe the government NOTHING LOL.


The 19th brought the first show. Local as I go home every night to sleep. I did this show last year for the first time and was impressed with the organization and treatment of the vendors. This year again we were treated like they value us. All doors are open so that traffic is not congested as we vendors set up. People placed around so that newbies are directed. Check in all ready and envelopes with passes all inside. Parking passes were emailed to us prior to the show and best of all? They value the vendors so much that they create a special parking place for us right outside the main doors. They even have a parking guard to make sure it is vendors only. Saturday, they provided tons of water, donuts, granola bars and tons of fruit for the vendors. The staff walked around all three days making sure everyone was OK. The show? It was slower than last year BUT!! Just like last year I already have bookings from it for my large packages. Plus, the fact that we are treated like gold. That really makes vendors want to come back. Will I do it next year? As long as things are trekking along like they are now I do not see why I would not do it. Sometimes I do not look at just the profit. However, I will be honest, if it was not local, I would not be doing it. It is also quite an expensive show BUT!! As I try to tell other business people, it is tax deductible making my business taxes lower.


And that in a nutshell was my month.   May is already being booked up and if you are thinking about getting a FULL read, please do so this month as I do not book many office reads in June, and NONE in July and August as I am back-to-back with shows.  


PS: Yes, I worked out almost every day, never missed my daily meditation and of course China got groomed and spoiled every day. She is also traveling with me tomorrow when I leave. [25th]


Positive Thoughts To All till next month 😊

Do you want to study my late Father's works? Beginners Tarot OR Neophyte Magic? Click here>Geof Gray Cobbs 50 Year Old Manuals


This is 50 year old learnings from my late Father and The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo. A school he opened and ran with my late mother in the 70's in Montreal. Quebec, Canada. 





May the HEALTHY survive.


This month I want to talk about the addiction to social media. Now before I go on, I wish to say I am not against social media. I just wonder why people feel the need to post things to see how many reactions they get from total strangers! Seems so needy or insecure on the part of the poster.


I use the convenience of social media partly for business and partly to hand out some advice when I feel it is of interest to some. I never post for sympathy or neediness LOL.


But let us get back to the iPhone or any other device that holds text, WhatsApp and more. As you go outside in public all you see is hunched over shoulders and the head down either reading or typing on the phone. Why is this? What can be so important that you cannot enjoy your walk and your surroundings?


The number of parents I see engrossed in their phones while their young kids are asking them questions or trying to get attention and being ignored is massive. Why have kids if all you want to do is be obsessed by your phone. It is not one or two parents it is a LOT!! It is no wonder kids are growing up the way they are with all these so-called mental issues. I think my generation would have too if all the parents did was pay attention to their phones or create latch key kids because work is more important.


Now we have Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok and more. I swear people spend their days on these places. BUT!! Me oh my, the comments that people make. No one knows each other and yet they say things to everyone on the posts that would never be said to peoples faces.


I look at people who posts things for attention and say to myself ‘what a needy person’. I know many others think this way too as they read things BUT!!! Why do people need to post things and then rush to see how many people respond. Ask yourself why you need this?  


Addictions come in many forms, and I feel if you are on social media all day, or rushing to see who comments or how many comments you got you have an issue. And like any addiction it needs to be sourced out to find the point of why.  Are you lonely? Then ask yourself why you are lonely. Have you convinced yourself that you cannot be alone? Then either go out and make friends or ask yourself why you do not like your own company.

I cannot think of many other reason to be addicted to strangers on a device that takes away the joy of where you are in the ‘NOW’.


I could go on, but I think anyone can recognize the fact that their days consist of sitting in front of a device pushes buttons if they decide to. TikTok is by far the most ridiculous that I have seen yet. I cannot watch it honestly. People doing the dumbest things for 90 seconds ???? but what dazzles me even more is that people actually waste their precious time being amused by strangers!!!


I wonder what the next generation will bring in for amusement because the robotic times are coming and now ‘time’ will be all yours as you fight to survive. I would recommend paying attention to what is really going on in the physical world not hiding behind devices and wondering why your eyesight is leaving you.


That is all I have to say this month. I am sure I’ll have another opinion next month most likely on the extension of the war that to my amazement many of the device watchers have no clue about.


May the HEALTHY survive.




Cat Costs: YES!! A low-cost month as we have tons of raw food. Literally 2-3 years of tinned food, [I bought out a closing health pet store in September 2023😊] treats for at least 2 more months and all I needed this month was kitty litter. I bought 3 bags of the new Worlds Best Kitty Litter. It scoops FANTASTICALLY. It still allows China to track a few bits onto the bed but is much better than the other litter I used. 😊

No vet visits were needed and I had her monthly solensia so a nice cheap month for her.


The Total cost for April was $139.62.

If you are thinking of getting a pet please know that from the cute stage, they grow with a personality to the adult stage. Animals feel unconditional love from their souls. They get attached and used to their homes. If you cannot give up 12-18 years and maybe longer, do NOT get a pet. It is not a companion till you find a mate, have a child, or decide to move to an apartment that will not allow pets, it is a companion for life. They also need dental care, checkups, and GOOD food. Not this cheap, no-nutrient food that I see so many people buy. Your pets will suffer later just as you would if all you ate was junk.


Look at rescue places for loving animals. These pets will not only be grateful, it's almost like they know you saved them and love and adore you for it. Think before you add to your life. Can you give this type of commitment? If the answer is yes then enjoy looking for your new companion. Think older if you can, for some reason, older pets are harder to re-home and they are much sadder as they wait not knowing what it was they did to be removed from their homes.

Screenshot 2020-09-24 112542.png

May 2nd, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.28 am MST and moves into Pisces at 12.52 pm MST.

May 2nd, 2024: PLUTO goes retrograde at 11.46 am MST [till October 11th, 2024]

May 4th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 1.06 pm MST and moves into Aries at 2.41 pm MST.

May 5th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 11.57 pm MST and moves into Taurus on May 6th MST at 3.42 pm MST.

May 7th, 2024: NEW MOON in Taurus at 9.22 pm MST. [start a new home project]  

May 8th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.55 pm MST and moves into Gemini at 5.20 pm MST.

May 10th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 7.49 pm MST and moves into Cancer at 9.13 pm MST.

May 13th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.13 am MST and moves into Leo at 4.36 am MST.

May 15th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 10.41 am MST and moves into Virgo at 3.33 pm MST.

May 15th, 2024: Mercury moves into Taurus at 11.05 am MST.

May 18th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.09 am MST and moves into Libra at 4.23 am MST.

May 19th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 9.484 am MST and moves into Scorpio on May 20th, 2024, at 4.34 pm MST.

May 20th, 2024: Sun moves into Gemini at 6.59 am MST.

May 23rd, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 1.28 am MST and moves into Sagittarius at 2.24 am MST.

May 23rd, 2024: FULL MOON in Sagittarius at 7.53 am MST.

May 23rd, 2024: Venus moves into Gemini at 2.30 pm MST.

May 25th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 8.47 am MST and moves into Capricorn at 9.36 am MST.

May 25th, 2024: Jupiter moves into Gemini at 5.15 pm MST.

May 27th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 2.02 pm MST and moves into Aquarius at 2.45 pm MST.

May 29th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 8.20 am MST and moves into Pisces at 6.33 pm MST.

May 31st, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 8.55 pm MST and moves into Aries at 9.28 pm MST.

VcToria's Spiritual Advice


I know I have talked about energy before but this month I want to really focus upon how it is created and how many use it.

Think about the Sun and the Moon please. Both are needed for the planet to survive let alone the human race. The Sun produces the physical energy. IE: Without the Sun plants could not grow and we would have barely any food. Without the Moon the earth's axis would not be stable believe it or not 😊 plus it moderates and controls the tides.


And here is where I wish to start. The Sun provides your physical energy and the Moon, since we are 90% water, provides the ebb and flow of our emotions. It moves us just like the tides 😊

Now, and pay attention here as we just had a TOTAL eclipse and what happened? The Moon [our emotions] was able to block out the Sun [our physical!!]

What does that tell you about the energy provided to the earth and us? That our emotions are the stronger energies. Hence!! You control ALL of how you think and the way you decide to create your daily life.


No one can dispute that when you ALLOW your emotions to control your thoughts in a ‘depressive’ way the physical remains tired. Now I ask why you cannot change the energy of the emotions to be BALANCED and see joy and peace within YOURSELF?? Thus, the physical would react but not without the change of thought through your OWN emotions.


You are not here to allow other peoples actions to create your choices. An example would be a person that has or does mean a lot to you who decides not to talk to you ever again. No matter what you do this family member has deleted themselves from your life based upon what they feel is what they want. Remember this is what they want. Now you do not want this but cannot change it. So, you ALLOW your inner emotions to focus upon this and every day it becomes the stronger energy and finally it is all you focus upon and allow your life to be what you blame on this family member. BUT!! The family member has cut ties and goes about their life feeling free and peaceful. Their actions have made them happy, but you have allowed their action of their CHOICE to become your energy.

If a person does not want to be in a persons life then accept it, do not allow your own energy to become a source of why? Why? Why? So many people do this.


We cannot deny the departing of the physical body. If you are born as a non-man-made energy [IE: human, animal, plant etc.] then one day the physical of the being will depart. Here it is called ‘death’. But many say, “it is not death, it is a transformation to allow ourselves to go home”.


I believe that many have a contract to go home early when clearly the journey is not going in the way the contract should. By this I believe that one needs to focus upon their life and see the JOURNEY in a clear and concise pattern. Your own behaviour and choices allow this to build. If it is just day after day of ‘Groundhog Day’ then you must not be on the correct path. If you look at what you have chosen each day and see that ‘oh my, everything is making sense now’ then keep plugging. If you have chosen to tread the wrong path, I believe it is why many go home earlier than expected. You have said to whoever is watching over you “bring me back if clearly, in my physical form, I have allowed my emotional choices to be the wrong ones. Do not waste my time there”.


The BEST, and to myself the ONLY way to allow the path to be shown to you is through meditation. I say this over and over again. Why? As I look back on my life I clearly see where it shifted. I started on the daily program of meditation and asked for my path to be shown. The Universe was delighted with my movements and kept opening my doors. I kept trusting that the door had an exciting lesson to be taught to me and I stepped across the barriers. Some were easy to cross and some more difficult. BUT 😊 as each barrier was conquered, I found more and more peace.


And back to the Sun and Moon that clearly offer the CHOICES of energy and how YOU choose to use it each and every day.  Think about Spring and how the days get longer and how the Sun creates people going out and starting new projects in the garden and going to festivals and all the other things that the Sun brings into lives.  Why is this? Because the Sun is physical, and the body feels better when it moves around. Those who choose to lie on the couch and just eat and create an overweight body have trouble moving and enjoying the physical. So the emotions take over and eventually all you have left is a physical form feeling sorry for themselves.  


Now once winter arrives so many people blame the short days and the darkness on how they feel LOL. Why is this? The Sun [the physical] and the Moon [the emotions] have TRADED places. That is all that has happened. Think about it. There is no blame here, it is what you are creating, and then as per usual blaming it on something else. In this case the darkness LOL. Winter or the change of seasons offers hibernation and an inward focus. If your emotions bring a lack of desire in winter months, then you have not balanced yourself.

Change the way you see your emotions and stop allowing yourself to feel sorry for yourself. The energy of the Universe is wonderful. It allows life to settle down a bit. Even the bear goes into the DARK cave and the birds settle into the different energies and much changes. Nature rests.  And so must we. We now have the energies of the MOON controlling us more than the Sun who creates the physical. So, we must bring in the joy of learning to create our balanced emotions which is what the shorter days OFFER. All energy is an offering there for the taking. Emotions are your own. Use the inner energy for peace. Emotions are FEELINGS.


Now this part is interesting to me, and I hope to you. The Moon comes out at night. Many folks feel a stronger presence of emotions at night. Think about walking down an alley in the day and now think about it at night. It is the same alley, but it changes the emotions in the dark!! Noises that are normal in a house during the day becomes different at night. Why? It is all about emotions. Emotions are hidden in the darkness of the mind. You cannot do an emotional transplant can you? No, you cannot. You are your own emotions, and based upon the fact that the Moon can cover the Sun as we witnessed this past month, then you must come to the realization that you are your own EMOTIONS. Your inner self is stronger than the physical.

Learn to balance these feelings and life will open the correct doors. Not the doors you think are yours when they are clearly for someone else.


And so, my point of this month’s column is to look deeply inside and allow yourself to live your own life, not in fear with your emotions or in longing for someone else to make you feel balanced. It is not anyone else’s responsibility to create YOUR life. It is you that needs to stop blaming others and blame yourself. For you are the only energy who can change. Life has a purpose you just have to find it. Ask and thou shalt receive so to speak 😊


Loneliness that seems to be the emotion that causes people to become lazy and depressed is an emotion you create all by yourself based upon how you perceive others. You think people need to be around you all the time. Why? Why is it so hard for people to be at peace with themselves? When you block out all the noises and ‘hear’ the silence of ‘self’ then you can analyze your emotions and start to shift them with the mind. The mind is a powerful instrument, and just like your emotions cannot be transplanted, neither can the mind. You are who you make yourself out to be. Learn this and learn it well.

Bring yourself out of the depths of walking without joy and learn to look at the beauty of life as it is all in the colors of nature. Learn to listen to the birds, enjoy the pitter patter of the rain, the sounds of the wind and all that life offers. For it is not the people around you, it is the balance of nature that gives you peace IF you choose to inhale life that way. The wine does not taste better with another person, the sun does not set in another color if you are with another person. It is all about how your inner joy perceives the journey. You are who you create inside and outside.


One day when we depart it will all make sense, but for now see the joy in balance. That will allow the destiny to be shown. And only YOU can make this happen by choosing to use your emotions through a reflective change. Trust me it works 😊


Remember all emotions are just feelings 😊 Learn to feel GREAT 😊


Next Month: My intuition will show me something :) Normally while I run on the treadmill a subject pops into my consciousness :) 

VcToria's Vegan Kitchen 

Orange Sauce with Soy Curls and Veggies

soy curls peas.jpg

If you wonder why I am making so many recipes with soy curls it is simply this!! Last April [2023] I asked my granddaughter to order the largest bag of Butler soy curls from a vegan store in Vancouver. WELL!! The bag was massive and here I am a year later still with 25% of this bag. I kept them in the freezer as soy curls go bad if kept in a cupboard.



Take 2-3 cups of soy curls and put them in a bowl. Now take ‘Better than Bouillon’ [a vegan bouillon] and add 1 cup of warm water and stir till the bouillon is dissolved in the water. Now pour this over your soy curls. DO NOT cover them. They will absorb the mixture while you make the rest.


Orange sauce ingredients: i used bottled orange juice but of course the more nutritious way would be freshly squeezed.


1 cup of orange juice

1/2 cup of sugar [1/4 cup if you use freshly squeezed]

2 tablespoons white vinegar

1 1/2 tablespoons of corn starch

1 tablespoons of soy sauce [I use Braggs]

1 tablespoon of sesame oil [do not omit this as this is where the delicious taste comes from]

1 teaspoon of garlic chilli sauce OR any type of spicy chilli sauce.

Take a saucepan and add all of these ingredients and bring to a boil. Allow it to boil for 30 seconds and set aside.


In a large pot add some oil and one large chopped up white onion and some garlic. I use fresh when I have it and garlic from a jar when I do not have fresh. Use about 3 cloves. Fry till the onions are cooked, about 10 minutes on medium heat. If you wish to add some more chili sauce with your onions, please do so as well. Add the bowl of soy curls with the moisture that will now be absorbed by the curls. Stir. Add the orange sauce and mix well.


Now whatever veggies you like or have leftover in the fridge cook them in a pot. Add them to the dish once they are done. I had frozen green beans from last winter as I bought tons lol, and peas that I added. Stir.


You can prepare some rice in a rice cooker while you are doing this if you like. Or you can serve it as is. I had leftover millet, so I just added this to the dish.


This dish freezes well so make as much as you would like and freeze the singular dishes in the freezer. This is a YUMMY dish and many people think it is chicken LOL !!  



Next Month: KFC imitation that you will LOVE. Pick up more Butler soy curls or you can use fresh oyster mushrooms.


I ship WORLDWIDE Except for India and Africa.


You may buy these books on Amazon or my website. You may purchase in a Kindle or hardcover or paperback on Amazon. If you do, there is no autograph on any books nor any Amulet Kits needed for The Mystic Grimoire. You will then have to purchase the Amulet kit from my web store on my website. Personally, it is quicker to order from my website and cheaper.


Having said that, on my web store, you will receive an autographed copy, plus a wee channeled message and the Amulet Kit that is needed for one of the books.


What else is For Sale? I also offer FULL Numerology charts, FULL Astrology charts, Phone Reads, Skype and Zoom Reads, and my late Father's CDs or MP3 files on Guided Meditation, Attracting Money, and Removing Negative Energy. Completed Pyramid and Crystal to apply the magic to one of the books. Amulet Kits in black and white, plus color. Buy help for your spells and rituals.

To order anything please click here Web Store for The Alternative Universe


VcToria books her appointments around your schedule. The only time she will not book is first thing in the morning. The appointments are from 1 pm to 10 PM MST. Her office is located in the West End of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Home Office Appointments: Please look at my website for prices and the package of your choice before you call. Please note I do NOT do the mini reads at home that I do at the shows around town. Or out of town.


Please go to under the menu bar for all prices and descriptions of reads. 780-4817238 OR click here to go directly to the prices> PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS


VcToria's Information


Phone Readings: VcToria offers phone reads by appointment. She books seven days a week from 1 pm till Midnight. VcToria prefers to see her clients in person, but if you do not reside in Edmonton and are not in any of the towns she travels to, please do call for a phone/zoom reading. Click Here >PHONE or ZOOM PSYCHIC READINGS


House Parties: VcToria offers house parties catered around your choice. She can supply as many psychics as you need for your party. Click Here > HOUSE PARTIES She also offers her services to corporate events. Click Here for Corporate Events If she is driving through your town you can also arrange a house party at that time. She will stop and do mini psychic reads for your guests. Please call to see when she is traveling and if she is passing your way.


Readings: VcToria offers five packages of readings. You may choose from a variety of Tarot Cards/Numerology/Palmistry/Mind, Body, and Soul/Astrology Charts, and the latest read The Third Eye. To view her packages please click on this link PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS


Clearings: Do you need your home or office cleared of bothersome energies? VcToria offers clearings of all homes and offices in Edmonton. If you wish to have a home or office clearing and she is passing through your town she will stop to accommodate you. VcToria uses her Father's voice and direction to start the clearings. She then uses her energy, crystals, and smudging to clear and heal your home. You will also have a personal clearing. For more information or to book an appointment please call her. 780-481-7238.You may also purchase the protective/energy clearance CD or in MP3 form that VcToria has always used, on the website store. PSYCHIC ENERGY REMOVER. Note this is VcToria’s late Father's original work.


Personal Clearings: VcToria will open up your chakras by activating her Reiki knowledge then ask your guides to be present. She will then smudge and clear you, speaking very clearly about removing energy as she cleanses. You will leave with your chakras balanced and your aura energy vibrating. As a physical body needs a bath or shower so the outer energy needs to be cleared every so often. The duration of the Personal Cleanse is 10-15 minutes. Only available in conjunction with a reading.


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