For this chart to be accurate you will need to know your birth date and correct birth certificate name. No time is needed or location. If you have had a name change I will need both names.
If you have a significant other, please have their correct birth date.
This chart will show you what your life is supposed to be. We will cover your Life Path number, Your Expression number, Your Hearts Desire number, Your Personality number, Karmic Debt number, Hidden Passion number, The Rational Thought number and Your Maturity number.
Your Personal Year number wil be discussed in great detail and lastly the compatibility of your significant other. We then will discuss your 'Challenges' in life.
This chart can be done with an MP3 recording OR we can book a time to do it 'live' over Zoom. Or if you prefer we can also do it on the phone. Once you have purchased this chart I will email you to set up your required appointment or let you know what day the chart will arrrive if you wish to have it via an MP3.
I highly recommend that you read about Numerology on the website so you understand it is not predictions. The chart shows what you are capable of doing, how to do it and when to do it.
Numerology is VcToria's passion and she follows it as her map of life. Her life to her is perfect because of this.
Please note this is a Numerology NOT an astrology chart.
Numerology Chart
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