Link to purchase> The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo Teachings.
VIP: Please use the link above or below to purchase. If you do purchase directly from my web store please contact me and I will forward the purchase.
Geof Gray Cobb and his wife Maiya Gray Cobb opened The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo in the early 1970's. The school was based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
I now offer his original teachings and words. I have updated a few words but 99% is his original work. What can you purchase? The link here is for all three offerings.
Beginners Tarot Teachings
Part One Neophyte [Beginner Magic]
Part Two Novice [Continuation of Magic]
Link to purchase> The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo Teachings.
GEOF GRAY-COBB'S FIFTY Year Hermetic Order of Campo Santo Teachings