Link> DONATIONS I have chosen to add a link for donations in case you feel I deserve a tip for all the work I put into the newsletter. Or the republishing of my late Father's work OR for any other reason :) No pressure at all. I do send a white light blessing to anyone who decides to offer a donation :) Plus I have added a Full Moon action where your name is added to my spell for removing negative energy. Link>DONATIONS​
SEPTEMBER SHOWS: Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. Friday September 27th 2024 1pm to 9pm Saturday September 28th 10am to 7pm and Sunday September 29th 10am to 5pm. MacDonald Island Park.
WOWSA, I cannot believe how fast summer is going. ALL my local shows are done, and I only have four out of town shows and then my winter down time 😊 Please note my FREE offer starting in January 2025 for the Master Cleanse and raw foods. See below in ‘My Opinion’ column and the full explanation is in the Vegan Kitchen column.
Moving onto August and the fantastic shows I did. Big Valley Jamboree did not disappoint, but I do have to say that all shows appear to be down anywhere from 10% to 30%. Almost all vendors are saying this, and based upon all the summer shows I just finished up I agree. All I can say is thank you Universe for putting me in them when we had the hay days 😊 But BVJ was good for me, not as good as last year but enough that I bought the fine cookware from the vendor across from me. And FINE cookware it is. I cannot wait till the pots are created. Three fry pans with lids and a GREAT wok have now been added to my kitchen. BUT!!! The Wi-Fi this year? Man oh man, my debit machine would not work half the time. I had to ask for cash or etransfers and that affected my business quite a bit. Probably lost 10 clients because they had no cash or etransfer capabilities. Anyway, the debit machine has now been changed and upgraded to a 5000 that has YES!!! Hot spot availability. Since my phone always worked it was the Bell towers that do not give enough energy it would appear. The debit machines run off Bell and my phone is with Telus. Now my debit machine is set up to connect to my phones hot spot should it be needed in the future 😊
Next my corporate event in Tofield went swellingly as usual 😊 My accountant lives out there, so I also dropped off my GST that I do quarterly. All done and filed. Then sadly another corporate event I was asked to do could not be done as The Fringe started that day but luckily my back up psychic was available, and she covered for me. She said she was drop dead busy LOL. Hopefully next year they have the date one day earlier and perhaps the two of us can do it 😊
Then the Fringe began and again FANTASTIC from start to finish. A long eleven days, but knowing it was my last local show gives me all the energy I need PLUS the way I eat. I stuck to basically raw foods throughout the eleven days as I find this keeps the body and brain working well. Also TONS of water. At least 3-4 litres per day.
NOW!! The weather for June/July and August was all over the place. I worked outside in 7C [Camrose] and up to 38C [Street Performers Festival] I sat in rain, humidity, cold, HOT, warm and all else that Edmonton weather handed us. Crazy. I know my body well and in damp, chilly weather I cover my throat. My voice is needed for my work. Some days I talk for 12 hours straight. Once I cover my throat my voice does not change funnily enough!! Anway I survived and now I am at home on day three of my two weeks off chilling with China and finishing up the newsletter.
I have already mowed my lawn, done groceries, unpacked my van after picking up the remainder of my tent at the fringe on Monday, then I stopped at Blush [ the store that has my organic coffee beans] on Whyte Ave and bought some other vegan stuff, had my windows measured for my bedroom blinds. TD came and switched out my debit machine. Along with that I have relaxed, meditated and enjoyed my massage chair. Doing lunch tomorrow with a buddy down at the new vegan restaurant on Whyte Avene and waiting for my son to set up a date for our supper as I have not seen him since the shows started.
My granddaughter turned 27 years of age this month!! Since she lives in Port Coquitlam now, I sent a spa certificate down to her, and lo and behold she said it was the best massage and facial she had ever had. Not only that, but the spa was also having a 50% off sale so she was able to get two massages and facials and to top it off the spa is 5 minutes from her condo 😊 She will be here in September so we will do her birthday supper/lunch then 😊
What else? Well, I was going to regale you all with the comments from the cults of the religious groups that I got hit with at EVERY show!!! Yup it was gruesome this summer. From remarks like ‘repent now or you will regret it’ to ‘Jesus loves you’ to ‘have you read the bible’ to ‘the devils work’ these people who are clearly hypnotised into some kind of cult beliefs think it is their job to harass my beliefs. Why? I have no idea. I do not stand outside their churches and try to create chaos or tell them that they are a cult. They need to learn NOT to judge. AND!! The book they preach about all the time? Funny that is only covers countries in a VERY small area. Funny that beliefs back then have evolved. IE: Thunder now does not constitute the Gods are angry and a lamb or baby must be sacrificed. AND!! The so-called holy lands that only this book covers? Look at the lands now, all at war over what???? The cult beliefs of religion. Weird huh? And they want me to be part of that?????? I think not.
I think if I am doing the devils work and look at my life and the peace it brings me, then if I am going to hell it must be a very nice place LOL LOL.
And luckily for me I do NOT answer questions at shows as I created pamphlets that cover ALL questions. I can now spot these religious freaks as they refuse to take the pamphlet when they ask me a question to TRY to get me talking and then switch to the book that was clearly written by some good creative writers!! Much like Hans Anderson and the fairy tales many of us grew up on.
And just to add, these sneaky folks start out with telling you that they too have the same name as you, OR that they too do psychic reads [YUP it is one of their sneaky tactics] or just what appears to be an innocent question ‘do you do all the festivals in Edmonton’ and many more trained questions BUT!!! How I spot them is that they will NEVER pick up my pamphlet no matter how many times I answer, “it is all in the pamphlet”. AND!! To end the amusement was the best at K-Days as a family passed by my booth with the mother saying in the most terrified voice, “DO NOT look at her, DO NOT look in her eyes whatever you do.” “Quick hurry” as she shoved her family past the booth. Still screaming “Do NOT look in the eyes” I kid you not!!
And onto the groceries. First I stopped at the Italian Center as I LOVE their sorbet. I bought 2 mango, and 1 lemon. I also bought some pasta, some onion pastry twisters that turned out to be vegan. Cost $65.90. [that was on the 6th August] On the 7th of August I went to save on foods and bought 2 plant based butters, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green apples, lemons, 2 soy creamers, and to my delight they have Just Egg. [a mung bean vegan egg that is DELICIOUS]. Cost: 135.30. Then on the 12th of August back to save on foods I had to go, and bought mandarins, baby carrots, bananas, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cherries, oat milk, green grapes, more just eggs, mini red potatoes, a fresh pineapple, cashew milk, sweet potatoes, sweet corn and veggie sausages. Cost $113.73. On August 26th I went to Blush and bought 6 bags of my organic Frog Friendly dark roast coffee beans, some vegan citrus spareribs, a tin of crushed tomatoes, a tin of coconut cream. 2 oat milks, a vegan oyster sauce, a tin of tomato, paste, some nutritional yeast, some vegan cheddar cheese and as a snack to myself some vegan jerky and REGRETTABLE I caved to a vegan chocolate bar LOL. Cost was $163.45. Then lastly on the 27th of August back to save on foods to buy bananas, cremini mushrooms, leeks, oranges, puff pastry, 4 packs of Silk vegan probiotic yogurt, potatoes, strawberries, mini watermelon, firm tofu and 3 soy creamers. Cost was $79.77. Lastly, during the Fringe I ran out of cauliflower and had to go Coop for more. I also bought grapes, and the cost came to $17.07.
Thus, creating quite a high-cost month for me!! $ 575.12 Here’s hoping September is lower as I am quite stocked up now 😊
And lastly I stopped by my dentist to see if he had joined the government dental plan and to my great delight he had. So next week I am heading in to have the exam that is covered. I need a back tooth covered with a cap or whatever they call them and in November I believe this will be covered. Last year I had to choose between my cats’ dental work or my own. I chose to do China. It was $3600 for her. My back tooth only aches if I eat on it so I can handle that. Her tooth was infected, so I chose her instead 😊 And if anyone knows me well she always comes first. I will keep you all up to date on my dental work 😊
OH yes my garden 😊 WOWSA!! Tons of cucumbers, tons of apples, [both used for juice] more kale that I once again made kale chips, green beans are forming on the vines and to my GREAT delight and amazement my corn grew. I have at least 10 cobs of corn forming on the stalks right now, the baby tomatoes have tons of flowers, but none have turned to tomatoes yet. I do hope they do so soon. And sadly, once again my broccoli did not form any buds in the center. The leaves grew and the plants came up but nothing in the center. Seems broccoli does not like the soil or the conditions. I do plan to create more space to grow some more types of food next year. But I will cover that next year 😊
And that folks was my month of August. Very busy workwise and now I am back to my full office reads. Just incase you wish to book I am booked now till the 18th of September and am filling quite quickly plus I have one out of town show this month. But once you call we can choose the time that suits us best. Please call directly with the package [on my website under Prices of Reads]. Do NOT text.
Have a GREAT September everyone. I know I will as I ease into the relaxation of home reads, three days out of town shows and enjoy the time 😊
Positive Thoughts To All till next month 😊
Do you want to study my late Father's works? Beginners Tarot OR Neophyte Magic? Click here>Geof Gray Cobbs 50 Year Old Manuals
This is 50 year old learnings from my late Father and The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo. A school he opened and ran with my late mother in the 70's in Montreal. Quebec, Canada.
Yup I am going to write about food and how many people gobble it down and then complain about aches and pains and rush to a doctor and then AGAIN complain about the wait to see specialists and anything else overweight people can muster up.
FOOD PEOPLE!!!! The body runs on food. Much like a vehicle that is gas powered runs on a particular gas. You do not put diesel in a car that needs regular gas and vice versus.
Do you see fat athletes? Fat hockey players? Actually, fat anything when there is exercise given to the body. Why is this? Because plain and simple exercise burns calories. Food is calories!!! Yup it is that simple.
The body is built as a home to your soul. The part of you that decides how you feel and act. Yup that is the soul. What else do you think it is that creates your own personal thoughts and then those thoughts create how you DECIDE to feel. Now when you weigh the body down with fat all you feel is aches and pains and that is what you focus upon. How did you get fat? You chose to eat more calories than you burn. Yup, it is that simple. 😊
Now to my utter disgust for lazy people, Ozempic is being used to lose this weight you chose to allow to stay on the body. BUT!! Click on the links below and see if the risk is worth it. Actually most medications are not needed when one respects the body and feeds it PROPERLY.
Look at pictures of bodies on the beaches in the 60’s and 70’s No one was fat. No one bragged about their medications OR used their illnesses [ if any] to create sympathy. In fact, it was an embarrassment to be on medication. Now it is like you have bragging rights LOL!!!!
Why would you want to put this extra weight on the skeleton and find it hard to move? Create back issues? Diabetes [as most, and I said MOST people, including animals are fat when diagnosed with diabetes]. Why be proud of fat? You are being EXTREMELY disrespectful to the creator, who by the way, obviously went to a lot of thought to make the body PERFECT. All slight skin cuts repair themselves miraculously. Bones mend miraculously and guess what? If you feed the body the high fiber food it desires the 33 feet of digestive system stays clean and healthy and stomach cancer does not become an issue.
Most people have a PH level of 5. Cancers LOVE to live in PH5. A normal PH is 7. Cancer cells cannot live in PH8 and above.
Guess what causes acidity? [that is considered a PH5] Meat. Yup meat. If you look at your teeth, skin and the way the INNER body operates you see that meat takes 3 days at 96 F [the normal body temperature created by the creator of your blessed body] to completely journey through the 33 feet. Now put a slab of meat out in this temperature for three days and see what happens. And people wonder why they are sick. We are not created to eat murdered animals.
I could go on, but if you have not figured out that high fiber foods, NOT all this fast food that has two days worth of calories in one meal is NOT to be eaten, then quit complaining about being in pain.
I love how many folks think we are judged once we pass over. And they are probably right BUT!!! How about judgment on the body that the soul lived in for the duration of the physical? Oh yes, that will be judged, as every action you create from the soul level is created by this home [physical body] that you chose to live in.
Start your day with green juice. The first thing you eat after your sleep feeds the brain. [that is why it is called break-fast] Think about the foods that do NOT make you tired.
I have had plenty of experience with what happens to the body as one of my favorite things to do is experiment with foods for the body. I have been the gluttonous meat eater without thinking of the murder and fear behind the killing. I have eaten the chemicals of the six-week-old carcass that needs to be sprayed to keep it looking red. BUT!! I found nothing but aches and pains and tiredness. I went vegetarian and then vegan. But best of all was the nearly two years I went raw. My eyesight returned to 19/20. My aches and pains all went away and have never ever returned. My liver restored itself. My uterus that had dropped returned to normal. My energy blew through the roof LOL. So much happened when the body rested and had time to restore itself.
Now I taught raw food classes. I explained enzymes, [the body only creates them up to the age of 30] I explained the Ph and then we all ‘cooked’ raw foods. Yes, cooked raw. Anything under 95F is considered raw as the enzymes are not destroyed.
Now as I move into 2025 I am going into my spiritual year [ my personal year 7] and am starting the year with The Master Cleanse and going back to raw for a duration of 2025. I am offering anyone to join me, and it is all free. We will fast for the first 10 days. Meet each other on Zoom each day of the fast. Go to raw foods and meet every Sunday on Zoom for progress and chit chat. I will also supply recipes. If you are interested I will get an email out to you with all that is needed to start January 2025 off with a healthy bang 😊 Why am I announcing this now? You will need a few items to have in the kitchen to be able to create some of my raw foods. The most important being a dehydrator as the oven will not allow a 95F temperature.
If you wish to explore this with me and the intention on your part is to be healthy, feel free to email me and I will send the information for what you need to purchase for the kitchen and send a Zoom link to your email in December. This is NOT intended to be a losing weight fast act and then you return to your normal way of eating. This is not my intention and if it is yours then this is not for you to participate in 😊 This is for a complete shift to creating a normal body weight and then eating foods that will allow the entire inner area of the body to renew.
All of this is free. If no one joins me you can just read about my journey in 2025 😊 I promise you that on raw the body goes to the weight it wants to be. The energy that is created will astound you. Oh, and by the way, I have 100% written proof on the eyesight restoration 😊 I brought the glasses I was prescribed at 45 to the optometrist when I turned 65 and she was stunned. She said, and I quote “your eyesight is exactly the opposite now. It is 19/20”. And folks, I still drive at night with no glasses. Yup raw foods are that powerful 😊
And thanks to me seeing the spiritual side of the physical body I will never go blind, am 71 years of age without an aches or pain in my body 😊 And all it took was a little effort of changing the mind so that my soul blended with life. I always wonder why people will not put effort into changing the ‘oh poor me’ energy that so many carry.
* Although these links work [below] in my email Newsletter send out [on my email list] for some reason they DO NOT on my website. I have tried every which way to link. So I have had to post the entire link rather than shorten it with the tile only. AND!! they still will not link so copy and paste and they will take you to MSN and the articles.
Cat Costs: I bought 2 bags of the new Worlds Best Kitty Litter. Cost: $44.99 each. It scoops FANTASTICALLY. It still allows China to track a few bits onto the bed but is much better than the other litter I used. 😊 And all I needed was a filter for her water fountain at 14.99
The Total cost for August was $110.22 [includes GST]
If you are thinking of getting a pet please know that from the cute stage, they grow with a personality to the adult stage. Animals feel unconditional love from their souls. They get attached and used to their homes. If you cannot give up 12-18 years and maybe longer, do NOT get a pet. It is not a companion till you find a mate, have a child, or decide to move to an apartment that will not allow pets, it is a companion for life. They also need dental care, checkups, and GOOD food. Not this cheap, no-nutrient food that I see so many people buy. Your pets will suffer later just as you would if all you ate was junk.
Look at rescue places for loving animals. These pets will not only be grateful, it's almost like they know you saved them and love and adore you for it. Think before you add to your life. Can you give this type of commitment? If the answer is yes then enjoy looking for your new companion. Think older if you can, for some reason, older pets are harder to re-home and they are much sadder as they wait not knowing what it was they did to be removed from their homes.
![Screenshot 2020-09-24 112542.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b8e218_21c7646be5734cc38c8bddddd23c257b~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_292,h_161,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/Screenshot%202020-09-24%20112542.png)
September 1st, 2024: Uranus⛢ goes retrograde at 9.18 am MST [until January 30th, 2025]
September 1st, 2024: Pluto ♇ [who still sits retrograde] now moves back into Capricorn.
September 1st, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 6.25 pm MST and moves into Virgo at 9.48 pm MST.
September 2nd, 2024: NEW MOON in Virgo at 7.56 pm MST.
September 4th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 10.06 am MST and moves into Libra at 10.12 am MST.
September 4th, 2024: Mars♂moves into Cancer at 1.46 pm MST.
September 6th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 11.08 pm MST and moves into Scorpio at 11.18 pm MST.
September 9th, 2024: Mercury ☿ moves into Virgo at 12.50 am MST.
September 9th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 11.11 am MST and moves into Sagittarius at 11.26 am MST. [If you are under the MST time you might want to meditate strongly for these short 5 minutes based upon the 11.11]
September 11th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 6.21 pm MST and moves into Capricorn at 8.38 pm MST.
September 14th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 1.35 am MST and moves into Aquarius at 1.53 am MST.
September 15th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 11.04 pm MST and moves into Pisces on September 16th, 2024, at 3.39 am MST.
September 17th, 2024: FULL MOON in Pisces at 8.34 pm MST. [Removing negative energy time 😊] [Lunar Eclipse]
September 18th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.02 am MST and moves into Aries at 3.24 am MST.
September 20th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 2.39 am MST and moves into Taurus at 3.03 am MST.
September 22nd, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 4.14 am MST and moves into Gemini at 4.24 am MST.
September 22nd, 2024: Sun ☀ moves into Libra at 6.44 am MST. [Fall Equinox]
September 22nd, 2024: Venus ♀ moves into Scorpio at 9.36 pm MST.
September 24th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 5.59 am MST and moves into Cancer at 8.50 am MST.
September 26th, 2024: Mercury ☿ moves into Libra at 2.09 am MST.
September 26th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 4.12 pm MST and moves into Leo at 4.47 pm MST.
September 28th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 9.36 pm MST and moves into Virgo on September 29th, 2024, at 3.42 am MST.
VcToria's Spiritual Advice
​Have you ever taken time to just sit and think about why we are here? Why, if it is true we have ‘CHOSEN’ to come here? Most people just complain about everything OR allow themselves to sink into depression over the thoughts they allow themselves to have.
Do you think you came here to feel depression? No, you ALLOW yourself this desire. Yup, you desire it and focus upon it so it becomes your interpretation of how you feel. Nothing is good enough for you so let’s feel sad and get attention.
Now have you ever thought about how FEW people leave anything worthwhile on this planet? With billions of souls passing through very few people leave anything but their energy!!
Now good or bad that is not the discussion here but let’s talk about Steve Jobs [passed over now] but left the Apple phone that is now most peoples way of life, and for some an addiction. Elon Musk, who clearly sees that the Universe is ending and spends his time exploring ways to heal those who are paralysed and also how to create a new planet [Mars]. Now if we go back into history many were ridiculed like the Wright brothers for saying a vehicle could fly. From candles to electricity and of course Einstein who up until now was also ridiculed about much.
There is so much to think about when you settle into silence and question the ‘purpose’ here. Most do not, especially nowadays.
I do TONS of readings and will tell you that 90% of my clients DO NOT meditate. Why is this? Silence gives you answers. Most people are so connected to only money and the material it will buy; their reasoning is “I am too busy”!! WOW!! Really? So, have you ever thought how you cannot take any of that stuff with you when the physical body stops working and the soul goes ‘HOME’???
Now why would we choose this Universe if that was all we wanted. To come and work, work, work, buy things and then depart!!! And of course complain constantly about everything.
How is that leaving anything here? It is not. I count myself in this set of humans that will not leave anything here that rivals Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. BUT!!!!! I do look at my past and feel based upon my studies of numerology that FINALLY I have moved through my connection to the past lives, that I must have had many of, to leave my struggles in this one. Therefore, my only conclusion of why I would choose to arrive to this earthly existence is to change what clearly did not give me peace in previous lives and I am the only one who can change it here.
It is not about other people, or who can give you more material things or pay your rent or create your existence of your emotions it is clearly only yourself that can do this.
The only conclusion I can come to is that the energy that we call the ‘soul’ cannot change in the afterlife that is our true home. Therefore, how you feel NOW is how you feel there. So, if you carry depression to the grave then you carry it ‘home’. There I presume we find ‘heck no, I cannot change this’? I have to go back and only in the physical form are feelings/emotions changed. AND!! Think about this folks only you can change them. It is your choice.
I see life like Disney World. You would not go there and just sit on the monorail because it is ‘safe’. You would run around enjoying the rides, some scary, some fun, some will perhaps make you throw up BUT you would experience it all. Life is like that. Find the ride you enjoy.
Emotions are your own making. If you choose to believe your feelings then that is what you will create. And all feelings are energy. And energy expands with thoughts.
So, sit in silence and give great thought to this ‘WHAT IF???? you are who you are once you leave the physical body here’. What if you then found out that it was only here in the physical home [your body] that you could shift how you feel? What if you had that conscious knowledge NOW?? What would you shift if you knew that you would feel like you do FOREVER???????? Think about it folks as that is most likely the reason we arrived here.
Emotions are your true self, there is no denying that. You are what you think. So, decide today that you will explore the side of tranquility NOT using your life to create nothing. I believe we have a contract that we ask to be taken ‘home’ if we cannot find our true purpose here. I believe that is why many go ‘home’ early. Play the game right and advance once you reach ‘home’.
If you cannot find an emotional balance of peace by yourself and NOT because someone else pays the bills, tells you you are wonderful etc. then you are not at peace. If all you chase is material ask yourself why?
Sit in silence once a day and feel the power of the emotions. If all you feel is sadness at your own life that you are creating, ask why you feel this? What if this is why you are here?? What if on the other side of the physical [home] this is why you chose to come here as it is not possible to change the soul energy outside of the physical body? What if this is how you feel in the true soul world?
I may or may not be right, but I take no chances as although I enjoy the material I am not at all attached to it. I feel if we were not allowed to enjoy it in our short time here we would have been created like penguins. Able to live without it and live in nature. So, I enjoy material but never ever put it above my meditation time and silence to acknowledge the journey.
I take no chances that could derail me from advancing once I leave.
I look at nature and KNOW we too have seasons to grow. [IE: my numerology shows the seasons for each person based upon the birthdate] NOT as some fools post, the year as telling people EVERYONE will benefit from the same numbers LOL.
I look at the physical body and if it is true that I chose this one then heck I’d better take care of it. And so, I do. I eat what fuel the body wants, NOT what I addicted myself to. My physical body works perfectly as the creator made it that way. WOW!! When you think of why???? The purpose is clear. It is your home to live in here on the physical plane. Will you be judged on how you took care of it? Will you meet every animal you allowed to be murdered so you could eat something that clearly did not wish to die? What else transpires once we leave the physical home [the body]?
I leave you now with “THINK people and use the power of silence to hear your true self and how you feel”. Then change the parts you have no desire to feel or keep. Whether it be depression, weight, pain, or clearly the words I hear so often ‘I CANNOT’. Yes, you can, you just choose not to. 😊
VcToria's Vegan Kitchen
MORE on the Raw Food Journey arriving in January 2025.
I wrote a bit about this above but am announcing it now so you may prep your kitchen with items that we will need for our raw kitchen.
The most important is a dehydrator as we need to have a setting below 95F and only a dehydrator supplies not this. Not a stove. I have an Excalibur brand. You do not need to have this brand, but you MUST have a dial that sets the temperature and allows a setting below 95F.
In order of importance of ease, the next items will make your raw journey much easier. A Vitamix blender or one with the same strength. An electric lemon juicer [ I paid $15 for mine at Walmart]. Milk bags to use to strain the almond milk we will make. A handheld mixer or any other kind of mixer. Not necessary, but nice to have, is a food processor. I have a Cuisinart brand. And of course, bowls to cook with and dishes to eat off and cutlery 😊
Below is a simple raw food recipe. No, we will not be eating just cold food LOL. We will warm things up in the Vitamix as in soups etc. We will cook in the dehydrator things like onion bread, banana pancakes, kale chips, stuffed mushrooms etc.
You will test your Ph level on your body and your drinking water. All will be explained on our first Zoom call. What you can expect from the Master Cleanse, and tons of recipes as we go through our raw journey. A journal will be an excellent reminder to keep and so much more.
Here is a Raw food snack to give you an idea of taste.
Raw Cauliflower
Chop up a raw cauliflower into bite size pieces. I usually use about ¼ of the cauliflower. Shake Himalayan Sea salt over it. Add some olive oil. I usually add about 2-3 tablespoons enough to coat the cauliflower. Then add nutritional yeast powder to cover. I always put this in a bowl, so if I am taking it I use a covered lid type bowl, and if I am eating it watching TV, I use an ordinary bowl. Either way, shake or mix well and enjoy. It is very filling, and you can nibble on it over several hours if you like.
Next Month: October/November and December I will go back to vegan recipes and then we switch to our raw food recipes each month as HOPEFULLY some of my readers are joining me for this inner body shift 😊
Order Here> Amazing Secrets of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> Secrets From Beyond The Pyramids by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> The Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals by Frater Malak [aka Geof Gray-Cobb]
Order Here> Helping Yourself with Acupineology by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> NAP: The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> The Encyclopedia of Fifty Year Old Magic by Geof Gray-Cobb Maiya Gray-Cobb and VcToria Gray-Cobb
Order Here> Then Now and Forever A Memoir by VcToria Gray-Cobb
Order here >Angel Cards designed by VcToria Gray-Cobb
I ship only to Canada, England, USA and Australia. Please buy everything else on Amazon if you live outside these countries
You may buy these books on Amazon or my website. You may purchase in a Kindle or hardcover or paperback on Amazon. If you do, there is no autograph on any books nor any Amulet Kits needed for The Mystic Grimoire. You will then have to purchase the Amulet kit from my web store on my website. Personally, it is quicker to order from my website and cheaper.
Having said that, on my web store, you will receive an autographed copy, plus a wee channeled message and the Amulet Kit that is needed for one of the books.
What else is For Sale? I also offer FULL Numerology charts, FULL Astrology charts, Phone Reads, Skype and Zoom Reads, and my late Father's CDs or MP3 files on Guided Meditation, Attracting Money, and Removing Negative Energy. Completed Pyramid and Crystal to apply the magic to one of the books. Amulet Kits in black and white, plus color. Buy help for your spells and rituals.
To order anything please click here Web Store for The Alternative Universe
VcToria books her appointments around your schedule. The only time she will not book is first thing in the morning. The appointments are from 1 pm to 10 PM MST. Her office is located in the West End of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Home Office Appointments: Please look at my website for prices and the package of your choice before you call. Please note I do NOT do the mini reads at home that I do at the shows around town. Or out of town.
Please go to www.alternativeuniverse.ca under the menu bar for all prices and descriptions of reads. 780-4817238 OR click here to go directly to the prices> PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS
VcToria's Information
Phone Readings: VcToria offers phone reads by appointment. She books seven days a week from 1 pm till Midnight. VcToria prefers to see her clients in person, but if you do not reside in Edmonton and are not in any of the towns she travels to, please do call for a phone/zoom reading. Click Here >PHONE or ZOOM PSYCHIC READINGS
House Parties: VcToria offers house parties catered around your choice. She can supply as many psychics as you need for your party. Click Here > HOUSE PARTIES She also offers her services to corporate events. Click Here for Corporate Events If she is driving through your town you can also arrange a house party at that time. She will stop and do mini psychic reads for your guests. Please call to see when she is traveling and if she is passing your way.
Readings: VcToria offers five packages of readings. You may choose from a variety of Tarot Cards/Numerology/Palmistry/Mind, Body, and Soul/Astrology Charts, and the latest read The Third Eye. To view her packages please click on this link PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS
Clearings: Do you need your home or office cleared of bothersome energies? VcToria offers clearings of all homes and offices in Edmonton. If you wish to have a home or office clearing and she is passing through your town she will stop to accommodate you. VcToria uses her Father's voice and direction to start the clearings. She then uses her energy, crystals, and smudging to clear and heal your home. You will also have a personal clearing. For more information or to book an appointment please call her. 780-481-7238.You may also purchase the protective/energy clearance CD or in MP3 form that VcToria has always used, on the website store. PSYCHIC ENERGY REMOVER. Note this is VcToria’s late Father's original work.
Personal Clearings: VcToria will open up your chakras by activating her Reiki knowledge then ask your guides to be present. She will then smudge and clear you, speaking very clearly about removing energy as she cleanses. You will leave with your chakras balanced and your aura energy vibrating. As a physical body needs a bath or shower so the outer energy needs to be cleared every so often. The duration of the Personal Cleanse is 10-15 minutes. Only available in conjunction with a reading.