Link> DONATIONS I have chosen to add a link for donations in case you feel I deserve a tip for all the work I put into the newsletter. Or the republishing of my late Father's work OR for any other reason :) No pressure at all. I do send a white light blessing to anyone who decides to offer a donation :) Plus I have added a Full Moon action where your name is added to my spell for removing negative energy. Link>DONATIONS​
NO office appointments till September 9th 2024.
AUGUST SHOWS: August 1st to 4th 2024: BVJ [Big Valley Jamboree] Camrose, Alberta. Thursday August 1st Noon to 7.30 pm Friday/Saturday and Sunday [2nd/3rd and 4th August] 10am to 7.30 pm.
August 9th, 2024:Tofield Promenade, Main Street, Tofield Alberta. 5pm to 9pm. Complimentary Five-minute reads. [please do not drive all the way out there just for a free read. These are five-minute reads as it is a corporate event for me]
August 15th to 25th 2024: The Edmonton Fringe. South Side Edmonton on 83rd Avenue. Thursday [15th] 6pm to 11pm and the other 10 days 11am to 11pm.
SO!! Here we sit on July 2nd the day after The Works Festival ended and I thought, damn better get chat started as there is no way I will feel like writing a ton after K-Days and my newsletter has to go out on time 😊
Couple of Netflix films to mention before I start. The Proposal was enjoyed on the 24th with Sandra Bullock. Then I wrapped up the jail experiment Unlocked. It was OK I suppose. Lastly, I watched Land of Bad. Totally enjoyed it and recommend it. 😊
Then headed down to The Works and set up the supplied tent. Now I HATE tents that are side by side, but it is what it was. However, I wish I had known I could have set up my own tent PLUS choose what days I wanted to be there on. A henna lady set up over 3 of the five days. Man was she busy, UNLIKE me who is used to very busy shows. So, day one Thursday [25th] it poured with rain ALL day. Not many folks came out. I understand this. If I was planning to go to a festival outdoors and the next day was supposed to be sunny, I would also wait. However, in the history of twenty years of doing shows I have never ever just had one read!!!! And so, I sat all day reading my Vince Flynn book that has a series of a character called Mitt Rapp. LOVE these series. Day two, sunny and fabulous and slow as well. Day three it took till the end of the day till I had covered my expenses!!! Now I expect to always cover my expenses on day one LOL!! It was not to be. Then I had the last two days where it was OK but not the profit I expect for a five-day show. Sadly, I doubt I will attend next year BUT!! It is going back to the 13 days so I will see. I would love to find an honest reliable psychic to work some days with. But hopefully by next year a person I know will be ready to help me. My PERFECT buddy who worked with me for quite a few years now does weddings so I can rarely get her for festivals, sniff sniff LOL.
Basically, I think when you tell vendors that you advise them to tear down and take all their stuff home every night and then be there early to be able to drive onto the site it prevents them from attending. We only had five vendors and guess what? I left all my stuff in my tent except for what I always take [ recorder etc.] and NOTHING was touched. My tent was not even looked into.
And that started my month. Today I sit with three days off. Well kind of LOL. I have already prepared another six meals and done laundry, sent out my newsletter to the new emails from The Works and the MP3 files when people paid for the. I have fed China, and she sits very happily beside me knowing I am home today 😊
Tomorrow, I have to mow the lawn, go for groceries and make more bread and a few more meals and 10 days worth of green juice. 😊
Thursday I am setting up my own tent for the Street Performers Festival also at Sir Winston Churchill Square, so I do hope attendance is better and tents are respected. Last year apparently every tent was slashed and robbed. I see it this way though, The Works was in its 39th year and the Street Performers Fest roughly the same. One bad year does not constitute a continuance of that behaviour. BUT!! Running into vendors who have done this festival for years say they are not going back based upon last year. What a shame. One even told me she tore down after two days last year. Now we have new people rather than the ogre who ran the vendors before, so maybe it was the energy she brought to the festival LOL. I will let you know as I leave off here and will take up more chat on the 16th where I get somewhat of four days off LOL 😊
AND!! The Street Performers Festival is over, and I am on my four days off and then to set up for K-Days. Will I do this festival again? NO!! I used to do The Works and Street Performers Festival all the time but man oh man has it changed since they allowed the person who took over for the vendors to work there. Luckily, she is gone now as vendors just hate working with her. BUT!! Obviously, vendors for this show have petered out. There were only four of us. I will return next year to my out-of-town show that gives me the same profit in FOUR days as the FIFTEEN I worked in both of these shows on Sir Winston Churchill Square. VERY slow and I read four books LOL!! I see now why it is called the sketchy part of town. Man has it changed down there. A lot of my business cards and pamphlets were taken so hopefully I get some office business as I open up to full package reads in September. BUT!! 😊 as I always say, do the show and then you will not sit and wonder if you should 😊 I normally give shows a second chance, but I know this one is not for me. People were great that took care of us, especially Ryan. I do have to give him a plug here for his relaxed ways and awesome caring. I also have to give Marcie a HUGE thanks for offering her husband to me to tear down my tent. He would not even take payment 😊
AND!! Just a quick mention that the Calgary Stampede had finally accepted me this year, but I had already paid for these two shows so next year, if I am again accepted, I will have to think carefully about this 😊 BUT!! Next year is a long way off and the ‘now’ is the time to focus.
So, for this fours days off I have to make more green juice, go and get groceries again as the fruit is all gone, also pick up MORE bird seed, weed the garden as it looks like a jungle out there, mow the lawn, do laundry, vacuum, change the bed sheets, and bake more bread. Then set up K Days. Talking about my garden, man oh man everything is growing, and I can see I will get some great veggies later. Even my kale grew finally, so today I will pick it all and make kale chips in my dehydrator 😊 YUM!!
That wraps this insert up and once K Days is over [28th] I will spend the 29th completing my Chat and upload 😊
AND 😊 K-Days is over with a GREAT show under my belt but I do wish they would go back to the 11pm closing time. I turn away so many clients at 10 pm. Weather was up and down, but first I was inside and was not affected by it and as Albertans are used to the crazy weather we have every day we still had great turn outs BUT!! The last weekend? Holy moly I think on the Saturday all of Edmonton was there and on Sunday the whole of Alberta LOL. I finished at 10 pm Sunday [July 28] and was not at all tired funnily enough. A vendor friend of mine and I went out onto the midway and I did my once-a-year fried whole onion dish. Shared it with her as my body freaks when I eat fried. It says ‘what are you doing’ LOL. Yup, the more whole foods you eat the more your body says, ‘that is all I want please’. 😊 Anyway, we walked around in MASSIVE crowds and every ride had huge line ups and every food vendor had long, long, long lines up. Yes, I used my vendor badge to jump the line for food. The food vendors are very accommodating to people who work the shows 😊 Then we watched the fireworks and walked back to our vehicles.
Yesterday [Monday 29th] I drove down and picked up my booth contents. Did groceries and picked up my pamphlets from my printer. Then I RESTED all day. Read some more of my Vince Flynn book, enjoyed chilling on the patio with China, watched some TV that had been recorded over the last 10 days and did one dishwasher load of dishes.
Today I am finishing up this newsletter, uploading it, setting it to go out tomorrow, filing my GST quarterly tax return, laundry, making bread, changing the bed sheets and then tomorrow as many read my newsletter I will be driving out to Camrose [Alberta] to set up my four day show that starts on Thursday. Coming back, mowing the lawn and whatever else needs to be done.
THEN 😊 after this four day show other than a corporate event I have a GLORIOUS 10 days off.
Lastly as I always mention groceries were bought with 4 visits!! I buy in between shows. I eat a lot of fruit at my shows as any type of heavy food makes me tired. So without further ado I bought mandarins [3 bags] avocados [2 bags] baby carrots, nutritional yeast, Brussel sprouts, celery [LOTS] cherries [ 2 bags] dried cranberries, eco-max laundry detergent, green apples [ LOTS] tomatoes [whole and mini] melon, strawberries, cauliflower [4] red cabbage, rutabaga, cashew milk, vanilla oat milk, [ I make banana milk shakes with these] cucumbers [LOTS] Silk creamer for my one cup of coffee per day [5] turnip, smart bacon, veg ham slices, sliced vegan cheese, baby potatoes, red grapes [LOTS] bananas [10] vegan mayo, lemons [LOTS], apricot jam, onions, coconut milk [2] vegan salmon and a vegan tuna. I use the vegan fish in my potato salad. Very yummy 😊 I also ran out of my home-made butter so bought some plant-based stuff that was actually very good and some pita bread. I bring fruit and one sandwich to the show. I tried bringing my meals but cold curry and many other home-made meals in my freezer do not taste good unless warmed up. I have to purchase one of those things at Canadian Tire that keep meals hot while I have my 10 days off. 😊 And that list of food came to $537.46. Yup quite high this month as I make sure I do not have to shop while working and stock up nicely.
My garden is growing well with fresh peas, tons of rhubarb, some more kale [😊] and clearly I will be getting apples as the tree has tons all nicely waiting to turn color. More on that next month as I am sure I am boring a few of you by now LOL.
And as I wrap up the Chat I wish you all a fantastic August. I cannot believe how it is flying by. I plan to write a wee bit about remarks I get at shows and of course the bible thumpers that feel the need to come and preach from their cult hypnosis teachings to me. I got hit with them more than usual this summer at my festivals. Luckily I always say to anyone “I do not take questions; all answers are in my pamphlets” and that makes them reveal themselves. As I said more on that next month LOL.
Positive Thoughts To All till next month 😊
Do you want to study my late Father's works? Beginners Tarot OR Neophyte Magic? Click here>Geof Gray Cobbs 50 Year Old Manuals
This is 50 year old learnings from my late Father and The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo. A school he opened and ran with my late mother in the 70's in Montreal. Quebec, Canada.
My column is now on Canadian News that cannot be linked to FB etc.
Last month I wrote about AI. Artificial Intelligence. To create robots, you need AI. Keep this in mind. Now for those who watch the news or make a point of reading and keeping up to date you will notice how fast this is being created. In the medical world AI is being used to create vaccines [ yup pure poison lol] for new undiscovered illnesses that AI is coming up with. Yes, I said Undiscovered as they are also using AI to tell them when and where new so-called illnesses will arrive. Maybe program robots to feed people properly based upon our DNA??? Another area that scientists are using robots for is to understand the sequences of the DVA. Man oh man, in the billions of years of human life it takes a higher intelligence to understand this? YET??? Humans are building these. Now follow me here. If a human cannot understand the full programming of our DNA but a robot built with AI or just using AI can, does that not say ‘this intelligence is thinking for itself’? Food for thought [ yes, a little joke but yet it is not]
AI is being used to PROGRAM all robots. Now think about this from a point of those who believed the bullshit when you were locked down. These are the very same people who are programming the robots.
Robots are now being built for war. Programmed to kill the enemy. How long before they start to override or HACK themselves LOL? Then realizing that any human is the enemy. Robots are being built to be much stronger than the average human PLUS they will live forever unless tampered with. Then will they protect each so you cannot tamper with them to shut them off?
Please tell me that you do not really think they will not be hacked??? Once anyone has hacked a robot the control is theirs. Much like today when banks, drugstores, hospitals, car dealerships [the latest if you are watching and keeping up with the news] and other large companies are being held for ransom by their websites and information areas that are hacked and locked down. Only returned when the ransom is paid and if the ransom is not paid, they post the information online that was hacked. [IE: credit card numbers, social insurance numbers etc. etc.]
Here are some interesting links to read since no one is standing up and saying HEY Trudeau can you not negotiate with FB and Google so we can post news in Canadian content? Maybe the idiot PM will once the election draws closer [ October 2025]?? He must want his picture posted all over the internet with his false promises he will start to make. Oh, and his number one will be the promise of a monthly payout for those who are poor. Watch for that promise and keep in mind he ALWAYS takes another 4 years to implement any promises. It is called ‘Unconditional Basic Income’ and you can google the two bills that they will HYPE as they are sitting waiting to be passed. S-223 and C-223. BUT wait LOL. Unconditional??? I doubt it. NOTE: the second reading passed the Senate on April 2023 and WHAT?? We have heard nothing more. Oh yes, our lying low life PM is keeping this for his election campaign, mark my words.
Here is a link if you care to read it. https://www.ubiworks.ca/guaranteed-livable-basic-income
I digress LOL. Robots are the future. Restaurants are using them in place of wait staff. Soon this will be in all restaurants. Robots are now being used in old folk’s homes to keep them company and the latest was in the children’s hospital to amuse them. Now people find this CUTE!!! But that is the way most brains work. They do not think. They follow, as most people are easily hypnotized into beliefs that once everyone follows blindly, they do to. Takes a strong mind to think for oneself. Maybe some should practise this?
Enjoy the links and start to think 😊Just click on them. They are safe to open :) For some strange reason this month the links will not connect to the page so I posted the links and you will have to copy and paste. Maybe now no Canadian content can be posted. I have tried innumerous times to link and it will not connect. If you are on my monthly newsletter list then your email will connect with the newsletter sent that way. Please sign up if you wish a better looking newsletter :)
Humanoid Robots Copy and Paste>
Meet the Robots of the World Copy and Paste>
Robots Fixing Potholes Copy and Paste>
Robots Planting seeds with an insect like robot > Copy and Paste>
​Robots covered in living skin bring Terminator one step closer Copy and Paste>
Cat Costs:
Absolutely $0. 😊 I had enough raw meat. As I mentioned many times, three years of tinned food as I bought out a closing pet food health store roughly a year ago, kitty litter was stocked, and treats were also stocked. Along with dry food being stocked.
The Total cost for July was $0.
If you are thinking of getting a pet please know that from the cute stage, they grow with a personality to the adult stage. Animals feel unconditional love from their souls. They get attached and used to their homes. If you cannot give up 12-18 years and maybe longer, do NOT get a pet. It is not a companion till you find a mate, have a child, or decide to move to an apartment that will not allow pets, it is a companion for life. They also need dental care, checkups, and GOOD food. Not this cheap, no-nutrient food that I see so many people buy. Your pets will suffer later just as you would if all you ate was junk.
Look at rescue places for loving animals. These pets will not only be grateful, it's almost like they know you saved them and love and adore you for it. Think before you add to your life. Can you give this type of commitment? If the answer is yes then enjoy looking for your new companion. Think older if you can, for some reason, older pets are harder to re-home and they are much sadder as they wait not knowing what it was they did to be removed from their homes.
August 3rd, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 4.31 am MST and moves into Leo at 5.10 am MST.
August 4th, 2024: NEW MOON in Leo at 5.13 am MST.
August 4th, 2024: Venus ♀ moves into Virgo at 8.23 pm MST.
August 4th, 2024: Mercury goes retrograde at 10.56 pm MST. [until the 28th of August 2024]
August 5th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 9.16 am MST and moves into Virgo at 3.17 pm MST.
August 8th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 2.40 am MST and moves into Libra at 3.31 am MST.
August 9th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.45 pm MST and moves into Scorpio on August 10th, 2024, at 4.34 pm MST. [ NOTE: the length of the V/C. Feel your TRUE emotions during this time and meditate at some point. Keep the dream journal beside you this night and awaken slowly and write.]
August 13th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.01 am MST and moves into Sagittarius at 4.01 am MST.
August 14th, 2024: Mercury moves into Leo at 4.16 pm MST. [Note it is retrograde]
August 15th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 10.52 am MST and moves into Capricorn at 11.51 am MST.
August 17th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 2.43 pm MST and moves into Aquarius at 3.45 pm MST.
August 19th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 12.26 pm MST and moves into Pisces at 4.52 pm MST.
August 19th, 2024: FULL MOON in Aquarius at 12.26 pm MST.
August 21st, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 3.54 pm MST and moves into Aries at 6.02 pm MST.
August 22nd, 2024: Sun moves into Virgo at 8.55 am MST.
August 23rd, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 6.44 am MST and moves into Taurus at 6.00 pm MST.
August 25th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 7.40 pm MST and moves into Gemini at 9.04 pm MST.
August 28th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 2.14 am MST and moves into Cancer at 2.47 am MST.
August 28th, 2024: Mercury goes direct at 3.14 pm MST.
August 29th, 2024: Venus ♀ moves into Libra at 7.23 am MST.
August 30th, 2024: Moon goes void of course at 9.24 am MST and moves into Leo at 11.09 am MST.
VcToria's Spiritual Advice
So last month in Julys Newsletter I wrote about my beliefs in reincarnation. At the end of the column, I said I would follow up with more. I ended with my mother becoming very bitter the more my father became famous. I also noted they were twin flames and said, “I thought that she came in with him to help him”. Now it may have been the other way around. He may have come down to help her. But either way I do not believe she enlightened herself much. She actually hated this physical life and believed that her true love was a fellow named Louie who was on the other side. She often meditated and said that Louie told her things. However, with what she shared [IE: her death date] never came to pass. And if my dad did come in to help her she obviously refused it. I did not refuse his help 😊
She finally passed in April of 2013 five years after my father, so now she knows the meaning of why she was here. 😊 As we all will one day.
BUT!! Here is my belief now. I look around at all the souls in the physical bodies and note how they are so attached to ONLY the physical material and physical beings they believe to be their family instead of a soul group attached to you to evolve with lessons taught from actions. “Let go” I say often and hear back from folks “I can’t”. “YES, YOU CAN, you just choose not to” I say back 😊
I look at those who clearly have no desire to help themselves and as this population keeps increasing and the world keeps moving towards robotics and AI, I feel that the creator has said ‘each soul here has one more chance’. I feel that a destination has been created for souls who cannot advance. Who keep coming back time and time again with the VERY SAME lessons that they never seem to advance from.
I feel that as each failing soul leaves this earth plane that they will simply go to a place of oblivion. One where you simply exist and now can never use the knowledge that obviously we ALL have deep within us if we sit in silence and find it. If people cannot see that there has to be a purpose and choice that we all made at some time, then hey let them join those who have ignored their calling. And I believe these are the physical souls who now are just reincarnating with no purpose or respect for their bodies or soul alignment.
Now, this is my belief, as clearly a world as spectacular as this in nature, air we breathe, knowledge of how perfectly the body has been created and the fact that all around us gives us the proper air, water and food to survive, then one must be blind not to seek the answers. It is so obvious. We are part of the NON-man-made life [as nature, birds and animals are] and we all know that we depart from here at some time in the future. We just do not know when. Therefore, living in the ‘now’ would make perfect sense. While connecting to the ‘now’ we can ‘feel’ our emotions that tell us whether we are peaceful and happy. If not, lets dig deep and find the answers to connect to that energy.
I look at people who clearly have no joy in life and know they will not evolve. So, if this lesson is the one they have kept coming down to fix, and no fix has been worked on for the many past lives, then clearly this soul will one day be told ‘it is useless, go to the group who has no clear knowledge’. And today in the physical form you can see the souls who have no beliefs or time to want anything except material or drugs.
But now look around you, it will all become robotic and ruled by machines. Why would the creator send any more spiritual souls here? SO???? Maybe just the ones who cannot evolve?
You decide, but all the answers are within you. Just like your DNA and fingerprints, your energy is unique to you and the patterns of behavior are all up to you.
I believe that the first thing one should figure out is that if animals can feel pain and love then they exist with a soul. They are not here to be raped, killed and squashed up into 6–8-week-old packages of meat after being chemically sprayed so they do not turn old and brown and then eaten. That is your very first enlightened move.
Then the energy shifts, take it from me. If you have not tried it, you cannot dispute it 😊
Then as daily meditation takes hold of your habits you ‘HEAR” the answers. Not before. You cannot hear the enlightened energy of the other side when bogged down with the murdered DNA of fear. Yes, if you think the animal you swallowed did not feel fear, then you have no compassion. Go to a slaughterhouse and see if you can watch them be murdered with a stun gun. Hung and sliced open and cut up into parts. Then chemically altered so the dead meat stays red!!
I leave you here as I am in my busy season and just ask those of you who can see the world and what it is becoming to perhaps judge yourself BEFORE the death date of this life arrives. What could be your purpose? Why would you be choosing this planet to create shifts from your own emotions and actions? Take the advice from above and try 30 days of vegan and daily meditation and then choose your destiny. It will be shown 😊 BUT!!!! Once it is shown then you need to step through the door to see the path. If you choose not to then ask yourself why?
Because, as I mentioned above, I believe that this is the last check point for souls who reside here now. You may say “HUH?? Then how come humans keep being born” and you have the right to ask 😊 These are the souls that will not be able to correct their paths anymore. Even the creator can get tired and give up on sending messages and lessons.
These are the souls who will live within the robotic sterile world of machines over and over till the human race no longer exists. It is my belief, and I am taking no chances 😊 so I work hard every day connecting to my path NOT anyone else’s.
VcToria's Vegan Kitchen
Lentil Bolognese
You can use this recipe on spaghetti [YUM] or sloppy joes.
1 cup of DRY lentils. I used brown as that is what I had in stock. [ if you only have tinned then make the
recipe and add the lentils and bring to boil AFTER you have cooked the onions and added all the rest of the needed ingredients] However, dry is best and super duper cheap.
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 LARGE onion or 2 small onions.
6 cloves of garlic [ I used the jar kind and just throw in a tablespoon or so. I do like garlic 😊]
2 tins of 14 oz crushed tomatoes [pureed] or you can use 3 tins if you like.
4 cups of veggie broth. [ I use 4 cups of warm/hot water and add a large tablespoon of Better than Boullion [a vegan beef liquid, bought at save on foods] Mix well and add to the pot.
3 teaspoons of maple syrup OR agave if you have no maple syrup. [I use agave as I am out of true maple syrup right now]
2 teaspoons of dried basil
2 teaspoons of dried rosemary
2 teaspoons of dried oregano
1 ½ teaspoons of Himalayan Sea salt
Rinse and soak the lentil for an hour. If you are in a hurry just rinse them 😊
Use a LARGE pot and add the oil. Add the finely chopped onions and cook over medium heat 5-7 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another 1 minute. Add the lentils, all spices [ basil/rosemary and oregano] and stir. Then add the rest. Broth, tomatoes, agave or syrup. Bring to a boil and turn the heat down to a medium/low. Cook for 30-40 minutes stirring every five minutes so it does not stick. Once the lentils are done remove from the stove. This freezes well so if you live alone, you can make containers of the sauce and freeze.
If you want this on spaghetti start cooking the pasta 20 minutes before the sauce is done. This is DELICIOUS.
Next Month: I am truly not sure yet. First, I am in my busy season and second, I have now cooked the last of my dried beans of which I have seven varieties, [then froze them] I will be eating these along with fresh veggies and rice for the duration of the year. Next year [ my spiritual year 😊] I am making EXTREME changes and look forward to sharing this with you.
Order Here> Amazing Secrets of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> Secrets From Beyond The Pyramids by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> The Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals by Frater Malak [aka Geof Gray-Cobb]
Order Here> Helping Yourself with Acupineology by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> NAP: The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
Order Here> The Encyclopedia of Fifty Year Old Magic by Geof Gray-Cobb Maiya Gray-Cobb and VcToria Gray-Cobb
Order Here> Then Now and Forever A Memoir by VcToria Gray-Cobb
Order here >Angel Cards designed by VcToria Gray-Cobb
I ship WORLDWIDE Except for India and Africa.
You may buy these books on Amazon or my website. You may purchase in a Kindle or hardcover or paperback on Amazon. If you do, there is no autograph on any books nor any Amulet Kits needed for The Mystic Grimoire. You will then have to purchase the Amulet kit from my web store on my website. Personally, it is quicker to order from my website and cheaper.
Having said that, on my web store, you will receive an autographed copy, plus a wee channeled message and the Amulet Kit that is needed for one of the books.
What else is For Sale? I also offer FULL Numerology charts, FULL Astrology charts, Phone Reads, Skype and Zoom Reads, and my late Father's CDs or MP3 files on Guided Meditation, Attracting Money, and Removing Negative Energy. Completed Pyramid and Crystal to apply the magic to one of the books. Amulet Kits in black and white, plus color. Buy help for your spells and rituals.
To order anything please click here Web Store for The Alternative Universe
VcToria books her appointments around your schedule. The only time she will not book is first thing in the morning. The appointments are from 1 pm to 10 PM MST. Her office is located in the West End of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Home Office Appointments: Please look at my website for prices and the package of your choice before you call. Please note I do NOT do the mini reads at home that I do at the shows around town. Or out of town.
Please go to www.alternativeuniverse.ca under the menu bar for all prices and descriptions of reads. 780-4817238 OR click here to go directly to the prices> PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS
VcToria's Information
Phone Readings: VcToria offers phone reads by appointment. She books seven days a week from 1 pm till Midnight. VcToria prefers to see her clients in person, but if you do not reside in Edmonton and are not in any of the towns she travels to, please do call for a phone/zoom reading. Click Here >PHONE or ZOOM PSYCHIC READINGS
House Parties: VcToria offers house parties catered around your choice. She can supply as many psychics as you need for your party. Click Here > HOUSE PARTIES She also offers her services to corporate events. Click Here for Corporate Events If she is driving through your town you can also arrange a house party at that time. She will stop and do mini psychic reads for your guests. Please call to see when she is traveling and if she is passing your way.
Readings: VcToria offers five packages of readings. You may choose from a variety of Tarot Cards/Numerology/Palmistry/Mind, Body, and Soul/Astrology Charts, and the latest read The Third Eye. To view her packages please click on this link PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS
Clearings: Do you need your home or office cleared of bothersome energies? VcToria offers clearings of all homes and offices in Edmonton. If you wish to have a home or office clearing and she is passing through your town she will stop to accommodate you. VcToria uses her Father's voice and direction to start the clearings. She then uses her energy, crystals, and smudging to clear and heal your home. You will also have a personal clearing. For more information or to book an appointment please call her. 780-481-7238.You may also purchase the protective/energy clearance CD or in MP3 form that VcToria has always used, on the website store. PSYCHIC ENERGY REMOVER. Note this is VcToria’s late Father's original work.
Personal Clearings: VcToria will open up your chakras by activating her Reiki knowledge then ask your guides to be present. She will then smudge and clear you, speaking very clearly about removing energy as she cleanses. You will leave with your chakras balanced and your aura energy vibrating. As a physical body needs a bath or shower so the outer energy needs to be cleared every so often. The duration of the Personal Cleanse is 10-15 minutes. Only available in conjunction with a reading.